What is Dharma/Religion in actual ?

What is Dharma/Religion in actual ?


   "Om Namo Vagabate Vasudevaya" 


     In Sanskrit, the word "Dharma" means to support or hold. [Support / hold  the real / true dharma]

 Many of us often criticize the maxim of Lord Krishna. He, the supreme, told 'fight for dharma'. 

 Many of us understand that 'dharma' only means individual religious sect. It is true but literally. But, Sri Krishna did not try to say fight for your religious sect.

 Actually, the real meaning of 'dharma', is 'karm'/'work'/'duty'. Dharma is of two types - 'Subh Karm' / 'Dharm' (Fair Act) and 'Asubh Karm' / 'Adharm' (Unfair Act). 

 Subh Karm (Fair Act) = Act/deed which is good, where duties are executed properly, where work is done for mankind, and importantly where the fight is done for 'truth' against 'false'. Those acts are the 'Fair Act'. For that reason, 'Subh Karm' is the real 'dharma' ie 'Subh Dharma'.

 Asubh Karm (Unfair Act) = Act/deed which is not good, an evil act, where duties are not executed and ignored, where work is done with selfishness only, and importantly where fight is done for 'false' against 'truth'. Those acts are the 'Unfair Act'. For that reason, 'Asubh Karm' is the false dharma, ie 'Adharma' or 'Asubh Dharma'.

      Those who do fair acts or believe in fair acts, they are called 'Dharmik' and those who do evil acts for evil and unfair purposes, they are called 'Adharmik'. 

     Dharmik persons walk in the path of truth. They never betray, indulge sins. They speak truth or speak false for the victory of truth.

    Adharmik persons walk in the path of false. They betray others for their selfishness. They indulge sins, speak lie for the victory of false. They live in the world of illusion. 

    When Sri Krishna said, 'fight for dharma', He means to say that fight for your true dharma, which means fight for 'truth'. If you are a victim of 'Adharm' by 'Adharmik', then fight against them for the victory of 'dharma' which is 'truth'. If you lose, the world will admire you for your try and you will consume heavenly happiness in 'Baikunt', the place where Lord Vishnu dwells and if you win, still world will admire you and you will consume happiness in 'Baikunt' too. There is no meaning not to fight for the 'truth' which is the real dharma, against 'false' which is 'adharma'. 

 Therefore, Sri Krishna tries to say, using the word 'dharma', to us that fight for dharma, means, - fight for truth, do good deeds, fight for what you deserve against false, adharma and adharmik. 

 To conclude,

 The real meaning of 'Dharma' is not religious sect - Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jaina, etc. It means, 'Subh Karm' / 'good deed', those karm/deed which will pave the way for the victory of 'truth'. 

 Thanks! "Hare Krishna"


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