Our drama thespian group is working very hard to assemble, once again, The Age of Kali, with gorgeous costumes. Compliments to Girisha from South Africa who put the attire together so that the actors could feel the part with some enhancement. We have made incredible headway in one way, only because the actors truly believe in the piece and the message it brings.
When I see the rehearsals, I am taken by the fact that the main character, Kali, who is notoriously nasty, parallels many of the current leaders of today. ‘Control freaking’ might be a way to describe the behaviour of some. Simply listen to the news and you’ll view amazing samples of the like.
In the verse which I will speak from in the Bhagavatam 3.13.50, it addresses the nature of humans and their drive to hear good and bad news. The stories we read about from the Bhagavat culture are indeed relishable. Human beings are expected to be culture-based.
In looking up a dictionary meaning of ‘human being’, we have this: