The Bedford Basin Yacht Club was the perfect venue for the marriage of local Haligonian Marshall Daley (a.k.a Mangalananda) and Ratri Saha (originally from Bangladesh). You have these still waters protected by Halifax harbour’s rock formations. It is a picturesque Maritime place.
The wedding, in Sanskrit it’s called vivaha yajna, attracted family and friends from both sides of the bride and groom. Rituals were performed outside, right next to ocean water, and the meal was inside the club. Ananda Gauranga flew in from Toronto to function as a priest, something he does so expertly. And our group provided the chanting for ambiance and purification.
The groom looked great, especially with a towering head dress, while Ratri the bride was beautiful, as only a bride can be. And it’s always great to meet the parents of both.
My message to the couple, and the attendees, in bullet point:
1) There are three important events in people’s lives – birth, partnering, and death – called hatch, match, dispatch.
2) I met the groom four years ago – he was then in his dreadlock incarnation
3) The world is a mess, so, my dear couple, have lots of babies – we need more good people
4) I met the bride, Ratri, at the Hindu temple and I was accompanied by Mangalananda at the time – it seemed that cupid also came to visit.
Overall, it was a charming wedding. Good chanting and good food.