
The Islamic population in Bangladesh constitutes approximately 91.04%. Although spreading Krishna Consciousness in Bangladesh has faced its challenges throughout the decades but still devotees are enthusiastic and are trying their level best to continue preaching throughout the country. As declared by Srila Prabhupada, related by Vaiysaki Das " I put on my head the dust from the feet of whoever preaches in the Muslim countries." p? thivite ache yata nagaradi-grama sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama Translation: “In every town and village throughout the world," said Lord Caitanya.(CB Antya Khanda 4.126). Under the auspicious and expert guidance of His Holiness Subhag Swami Maharaj, over 10 Ratha Yatra festivals were conducted throughout Bangladesh this year. “Just like the other day we held the festival, Ratha Yatra. Chant and take prasadam. That’s all. Organise this all over the world. They will be saved. They will understand Krishna.” – Lecture on BG 1.10 July 12 1973 A massive and magnificent Ratha Yatra was observed in Shyamnagar, Sathkira with more than ten thousand people attending, with many belonging to the Islamic faith. Chief guests such as the Chairman and Vice-chairman MP of Shyamnagar were also present. Headed by the temple President Krishna Sakha das, everyone was fed sumptuously with prasadam, partook in the chanting of the Holy names and accepted Srila Prabhupada’s books.

Lord Jagannath’s mercy floods Bangladesh! For the first time Ratha Yatra festival was conducted in Kishoreganj, Dhaka led by Anantadev das and devotees. More than 1,500 people took prasad and joyfully chanted the Holy names of the Lord while books were being distributed incessantly. The Mayor of Kishoreganj also graced the festivities. The joyous Ratha Yatra festival was also celebrated for the first time in Langalbandh, Dhaka. Langalbandh is a holy place for the followers of Sanatana Dharma as Lord Parusuram travelled there and performed his wonderful pastimes. Organised by Sri Nitai Caitanya Ashram, under the able leadership of Krishna Kanto prabhu and the insightful counsel of His Holiness Subhag Swami Maharaj, the Ratha Yatra started at the ashram and circled the Rajghat back to the ashram in the presence of thousands of devotees chanting and honouring prasadam. Books were distributed left, right and center without any consideration. This Ratha Yatra was also attended by an esteemed official from the Indian High Commission, Dr Mrinmoy Chakraborty, who delivered an inspiring speech, encouraging all the devotees to take part in the festival. Sri Nitai Caitanya Ashram also organised another Ratha Yatra 2 hours away from Langalbandh in a city called Narayanganj, Dhaka. Many thousands of devotees arrived and took part in the auspicious Ratha Yatra ceremony with generous distribution of prasad to the general public. Shri Bimal Chandra Das, the Principal of Govt. Tolaram College joined the festivities as a distinguished guest of honour. Many books were distributed by our enthusiastic devotees. The annual 14 th Ratha Yatra took place in Netrakona, Mymensingh with Jayram prabhu directing the way. The event was graced by the presence of Deputy Commissioner Sri Sukhamoy Sarkar and other VIP guests. Twenty thousand devotees and well-wishers came together to participate in the chanting of the Holy name, pulling the chariot of Lord Jagannath and honouring delicious prasadam. Books flew off the -shelf! In the Barishal division of Bangladesh, three Ratha Yatras were held. In Jhalakhati more than 20,000 people came together in the festive spirit to pull the chariot of Lord Jagannath, with 3000 people coming daily to the cultural programmes. Prasadam was distributed widely to everyone under the careful vigilance of Radha Krishna das. In the nearby city of Swarupkhati, situated one hour from Jhalakhati, the second Ratha Yatra was celebrated in a pompous fashion with two thousand devotees attending , in the presence of local distinguished guests of honour under the expert guidance of Gokulendu das. The third Ratha Yatra was observed in an interior village in Barishal called Govardhan. More than 500 villagers came together in the procession of Lord Jagannath under the supervision of local devotees such as Hari Narayan Das. In Jamalpur, Mymensingh, the Ratha Yatra festival was also celebrated with great pomp and grandeur with throngs of devotees chanting, dancing and feasting. Under the leadership of Arun Krishna das, prasadam and books were distributed to the masses with the attendance of the various local dignitaries. “Go on cooperating in this way, and I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be successful. It must be successful because Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted it to be done” – Mayapur September 27, 1974 Just like in previous years in Jhenaidah, Khulna under the supervision of Bhakti Ratnak das, the Ratha Yatra festival was celebrated with great pomp with the attendance of various dignitaries such as Mr SM Rafiqul Islam the Honourable Deputy Commissioner of Jhenaidah. The procession started at Barwari Puja Mandap and ended at the premises of Sri Sri Madan Mohan premises with thousands of participants. In Tangail, Dhaka, the holy procession started from the Bottola road to ISKCON Kagmari with 3000 devotees joining. The Sankirtan party headed by Sridhar das and Sri Govinda das followed along while prasadam was distributed. Local MP Mr Sanowar Hossen and Mayor of the Municipality, Mr Sirajul Haque attended the Ratha Yatra inauguration.

Lord Jagannath’s mercy floods Bangladesh! Following from the Ratha Yatra festival, respective preaching centres hosted a nine-day cultural and devotional programme until the `Ulta Ratha Yatra’, return parade. Persons from all faiths, backgrounds and cultures attended these programmes, immersing themselves in the divine vibrations of the Holy names and the pastimes of Lord Jagannath. By the hard work of the various local devotees, Vedic dramas and dances were performed for the pleasure of Lord Jagannath and the devotees addressed the public about the glories of Lord Jagannath. Thousands of people regardless of caste or creed got an opportunity to hear Krishna Katha, chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and taste wonderful Krishna prasadam, purifying their existence and giving them a chance to connect with the Supreme Lord. By the mercy of the Vaisnavas, thousands of Prabhupada’s books were distributed throughout all the Ratha Yatras, spreading the Sankirtan movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Lord Jagannath most definitely cast His merciful glance on thousands of people in all these places facilitating many to take up to Krishna Consciousness from these programmes. We thank all the devotees in Bangladesh for their cooperation in facilitating these Ratha Yatra events so we can help in fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s desire in spreading Krishna consciousness throughout every town and village around the world. We would like to especially offer our heartfelt gratitude to the disciples of Srila Prabhupada; HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhakti Vikas Swami
(Formally HG Ilapati prabhu), HG Prabhavisnu prabhu, HG Vaiysaki prabhu, HG Nishthula prabhu, HG Bhagavatamrta prabhu, HG Marutpati prabhu, HG Rasika prabhu, HG Pandu prabhu, HG Ravi prabhu and others who selflessly pioneered the Krishna Consciouness Movement in the 70’s and 80’s. Last but not least we would like to offer our homage to HH Subhag Swami who too has been regularly visiting Bangladesh for the last 42 years and always guiding us on how to remain united in Srila Prabhupada’s mission.  Please relish photos and videos of these wonderful events!

various Ratha Yatra festivals observed in Bangladesh.
Thank you.
Your servant,
Kadamba Kanana Das
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