Understanding Service and Bhakti by example

So the other day was Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance day and although a little sombre is also a time to reflect and show gratitude for a life less ordinary, indeed non of us would be practitioners of bhakti if it hadn’t been through Srila Prabhupada’s service in fulfilling his guru maharajah’s wishes.

However my time wasn’t spent reading or watching Srila Prabhupada but watching closely clips and classes of my own Guru Maharaja HH Devamrita Swami; who has dedicated his life in serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission.

It was indeed hard for those disciples of Srila Prabhupada to comprehend their spiritual master leaving his body, and I have been meditating on the fact that at some stage in my devotional life the same difficulty and heartache will face me; yes one day my own beloved guru maharajah will leave his body.

So I watched closely trying to grasp and understand what has kept my own guru maharajah serving his beloved Guru Maharajah and how to serve so nicely despite many adversities; what is the key.

Firstly I noted love, for love motivates most of what we do and love for sri guru means even in absence one remains loyal.

But what I noted was that my Guru Maharajah is and remains totally convinced by the words and writing’s of Srila Prabhupada, that these words are enough to convince him that this is the solution to the problems each of us face here in material existence; and looking at how to enliven and enthuse others to read and learn from the books his guru maharaja Srila Prabhupada wrote.

Love and being completely convinced without a moments doubt.

If it wasn’t for this and his continuing enthusiasm to present to each and every one of us I wouldn’t be slowly growing in my own realisations in Krishna Consciousness.

So now as my guru maharajah simply follows and maximises the opportunity this human form of life provides to increase our dormant love of Krishna and sharing that with everyone he meets; may I too become this inspired and convinced to dedicate my own life fully in service to Sri Guru.

And as my guru maharajah followed the example of his guru maharajah Srila Prabhupada may I also learn and follow.

This was my thought’s yesterday I pray as always it makes sense, and as always welcome thought’s and corrections.

Hare Krishna

Source: http://david.deltaflow.com/?p=3284

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