Taraka-brahma Nama of the 4 Yugas

As mention in Gour Govind Maharajs Book – Suddha Nama Bhajana

This Hare Krsna maha-mantra, consisting of sixteen-names and thirty-two syllables, is available in all the Vedas. The Kali-santarana Upanisad is one of the Vedas and such concocted slogans are not available in the Vedas. One should not follow these rascals and chant these concocted names. This is most important and one should understand that in every yuga there is a taraka-brahma-nama; and

In the Kali yuga the taraka-brahma-nama is:

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

In the other yugas there are different taraka-brahma-namas. In the Satya-yuga the taraka-brahma-nama is:

narayana para veda narayana paraksara

narayana para muktir narayana-para gatih10

In the Treta-yuga the taraka-brahma-nama is:

rama narayanananta mukunda madhusudana

krsna kesava kamsare hare vaikuntha vamana11

In the Dvapara-yuga the taraka-brahma-nama is:

hare murare madhu-kaitabhare gopala govinda mukunda saure

yajnesa narayana krsna visnos nirasrayam mam jagadisa raksa

They are all prescribed in the sastra the Vedic literature. These are the different taraka-brahma-namas prescribed in all the yugas and this Hare Krsna maha-mantra is prescribed for this yuga the Kali-yuga. This Hare Krsna maha-mantra is the taraka-brahma-nama in the Kali-yuga and you should know this.

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