Sulalita Devi Dasi, a dedicated member of the Hare Krishna Movement, has harmonized her spiritual practices with her creative talents. From her early days as a young devotee to her work as a poet and podcaster, her journey highlights how Krishna consciousness can transform lives and inspire artistic expression.
Early Inspirations
Sulalita’s creative path began in Moscow’s vibrant Krishna consciousness community during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Due to a civil war, her family had relocated from Tajikistan, and Moscow’s thriving devotional culture became a nurturing space for her artistic growth.
“At that time, the Hare Krishna movement in Moscow was incredibly dynamic,” Sulalita shared. “The Gauranga Bhajan Band would perform on some of Moscow’s biggest stages, singing Hare Krishna and attracting large, enthusiastic crowds.”
Radio Krishna Loka, a station streaming devotional music across the city, also played a role. “My mom was part of it,” she said, adding that her parents, both musicians, shaped her artistic inclinations. “My mom had me sing the Narasimha Pranam mantra when I was just three years old. My dad composed the music, and I performed it on stage. They really encouraged my creative spirit from the very beginning.”
Her early inspirations were wider than music; the annual festivals, such as Ratha Yatra, Janmashtami, and Radhashtami, also deeply influenced Sulalita. “The cultural performances, music, and beautifully staged dramas by devotee actors left a strong impression on me,” she recalled. “Many of these devotees were professional actors, and their work during festivals was truly inspiring.”
At home, Sulalita’s creativity blossomed further as she imitated her parents. “We had a tape recorder, and I would record myself singing, chanting, and even pretending to host my own radio show,” she said with a smile. “I wrote my first song in Russian, mimicking my parents’ work. Those childhood moments were the foundation for everything I do today.”
The combination of a supportive community and her parents’ encouragement gave Sulalita a strong foundation for her creative and devotional pursuits. “I absorbed so much from that time,” she reflected.