Short Drama script:STAR TREK MEETS KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESSA transcendental farcekirk...checov, more power , faster speedkirk...solu put up the defensive shieldscall from scotty....captan kirk our power supply is running low I can't keepthe shields Spock it looks badhit by bomb, everyone shaken upkirk... this is bad, we have been hit, half the crew is dead oh my GodKirk's head in hands in great griefspock...You are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. those who are wiseneither lament for the living or the dead.kirk...what do you mean spock? half my crew is dead.spock...never was there a time when I did not exist nor you, nor all thosecrew members, nor in the future will any us us cease to be.Kirk...what are you talking about spock- they are deadspock...captain Kirk as the embodied soul continually passes , in this body,from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another bodyat death. The self realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.kirk... are you mad spock? do you know what you are saying. are you a madvulcan. Bones tell him what has kirk and spock... spock is right jim, captain kirk you should knowthat which pervades the body is indestructible. one is not able to destroythe imperishable soul. Only the material body of the eternal living enity issubject to bones and you are saying they are not these bodies?spock...yes captain kirk, for the soul there is neither birth nor death. norhaving once been does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal,ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.bones to kirk.... captain kirk as a person puts on new garments, giving uptold ones , similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies giving up the oldand useless ones. for one who has taken birth, death is certain; and for onewho is dead birth is certain.kirk...thanks for the insights into life. Spock call the Kauravas and workout a peace.spock says to phone....are you there duyordon. hi. lets stop this battle andshare the land. There is enough pain and suffering in this material world. why not share this land.It is not ours anyway. It is the Lords. We are only using it temporally. It isnot our or yours. Let us worship the supreme and share the land.spock listen to phone...oh you want to know how to worship him? it is easy .in this day and age we repeat his nameHare krishna hare Krishna Krishna krishna Krishna hare hare,hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.ByPandava vijaya dasaVaikunta Players