My devotee friend from the Netherlands acquired the most attractive brass deities of Chaitanya and Nityananda and asked if I would name them. They will play a major role at the Sunday School program recently started in Amsterdam. For good reasons I named them ‘Gaura Nitai Bhumi’.
We set them on a stool just prior to our drama practice when we do a series of voice and body exercises to warm up for our two productions for this year. I do have my personal shot at these exercises. There is a great opportunity to loosen up during japa in the morning on pathways less travelled in the fields. For voice, I’m often asked to lead the chanting at 4:10 AM when it’s a fairly quiet space. Instruments are not working in the acoustical structure of Prabhupada Samadhi Auditorium. I’ve complained about this before, but I try my best to sing acapella with lulled drum and cymbal.
As in all years for my visit to Mayapura, I love to go to that Ambassador car that Prabhupada was driven in. It is a vehicle that I adore for the purpose it was used for.
Overall, my days now have much to do with perfecting the dramas. People, or rather, friends often come to watch rehearsals for some inspiration. Let’s face it, all the world loves to watch youth flaunt. Isn’t that true with Krishna? Whether good deeds or just making some point, Krishna does so with poise and charm.