Ratha Yatra Mela in Mayapur



It is Lord Jagannath’s festival in Mayapur. In the beautiful Gundicha Mandir offered to Lord lovingly, He is enjoying His Vrindavan Pastimes ! This year a grand Ratha Yatra Mela is put up to attract everyone to festival. Everyday evening, Jagannath Astakam kirtan is sung along with lamp offering . We request everyone to take advantage of this joyful festival and visit Mayapur!

Srila Prabhupada on Ratha Yatra festival:

“I’ll request you to come and see this car festival. There is no expenditure, but it is simply joyful. You haven’t got to pay anything. You simply come, chant Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, dance with us.


Photo: Click here

Source: http://www.mayapur.com/2019/66978/

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  • Jai Jagannath Jai Balabhadre Jai Subhadre....

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