Radhastami Festival at ISKCON Ludhiana

Radhastami Festival 2013

Radhastami Festival (An Appearace day of Srimati Radharani) was celebrated in temple today.Chhapan Bhoga was offered to Srimati Radharani. The festival started with very melodious kirtan recited by temple devotees. During recitation of kirtan there was panchamrit Abhishek of Their Lordship by the temple devotees. Devotees were on fasting till noon and some kept Nirjla (not even water) fasting.

On this auspicious occasion HG Akrur Das from ISKCON,Vancouver,Canada said that Srimati Radharani is the Supreme Goddess and is the eternal consort of Lord Krishna.Her special qualification is that She is the best devotee of Krishna. Krishna therefore loves her the most. Her name means the She is the most excellent worshipper of Lord Krsna.Later full dinner prasadam was distributed among the visitors.

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