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“I did not know whether to turn left or right” – is what Srila Prabhupada contemplated as he set his foot off the cargo ship after a 37-day rocky voyage to US.
A lot is said and written about his accomplishments in the western world. Hardly do we ever try to delve and celebrate his preparation to this milestone. Born in an affluent family, from carrying the freedom fighter spark to discovering the real purpose of human life to fulfilling a divine plan, his life epitomizes that before our successes manifest externally, we need to internalize these through our perseverance, choices and responses. There are no shortcuts.
He left his own home but built a house where the whole world could live.
He sacrificed his own family but to unite the whole world as one family.
He lived with few dollars for sustenance but exhibited a life of substance.
He embraced poverty but gifted all of us a legacy of rich tradition.
He didn’t desire appreciation for himself but for the message he was carrying.
He tolerated rejection but accepting all is his universal message.
Clearly for him, our long-term gains were well above his personal short-term pains.
Knowing a personality with such saintly calibre is a very precious experience. Learning to follow his footsteps can be a lifetime.
Here at Bhaktivedanta Manor, we bring you 1st Annual “Srila Prabhupada Festival” to celebrate this glorious personality with this year’s theme as “Our Founder Acarya – Past, Present & Future”.
Hear from senior devotees who share their experiences on how Srila Prabhupada’s message and influence is timeless and continues to be the guiding beacon for many of us.
Video: Click here