I am in the sacred land of Mayapura. I started fresh for a day, and it is special. On our calendar for Hare Krishnas the world over, it is a day to honour one of our great luminaries. His name is Nityananda, responsible for, in a large way with his wife, Jahnavi Devi, spreading a consciousness of Krishna in the area of Bengal.
I took to a solo japa meditation walk towards the Tarampura Road where formerly you could see the two elephants. Unfortunately, they no longer reside there. Recently, the elephant trainer was killed by one of the giants which led to the relocation of the two great mammals.
I made a slight turn towards the Jalangi River, and that leads to the goshala where the bulls and cows are protected, fed, etc. This area, where another of Earth’s mammals reside, is very peaceful. I moved further on to fields of coriander, corn, sugarcane. More shanti, real peace.
From this holy undertaking, I made my way to my work, rather, play place, to open the doors for our drama practice at Prabhupada’s Samadhi Auditorium. My actors from South Africa, Spain, and Holland arrived. Our special service has begun.
Source https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/on-foot-on-campus