Mayapur Kirtan Academy opens December 2013

A new Adult Educational Program in Sridham Mayapur...  Old school style!

Following the annual Gaur Purnima Kirtan Mela’s popularity, we have been wondering what would be the best way to serve the devotees, assist them in deepening their chanting, increasing their attraction and attachment to the holy name. It was  concluded by our team that more education on the glories of the holy name, immersion in lila and music tuitions would greatly complement each other towards better chanting. Having this in mind we are launching Kirtan Academy in Sridham Mayapur this December.

The spirit of the academy is one of “living education”. Practice and application of the philosophy are important parts of the curriculum.

The philosophy part of the curriculum, Nama Tattva,  will be almost exclusively taught by visiting speakers such a s HH Sacinandana Swami, HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami and other illustrious senior vaisnavas. Each day, starting with a class on Srila Prabhupada’s writings on the subject, will consist of seminar presentations on different writings of previous acharyas, always with a focus on the Holy Name. Chanting Hare Krishna (ACBSP), Harinam Cintamani, Bhajan Rahasya, Nama Bhajan, Manah
Siksa, sections of Caitanya Caritamrta, Srimad Bhagavatam and others. 

There will also be study of bhajans, prayers and their deep purports and meanings. Songs of  Srila Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Narottama das Thakur  and others.

The narrations of the pastimes of the Lord, “Lila Kirtan” at original locations whenever possible, will be a regular part of the syllabus. Gaura Lila, Krishna Lila, Vaisnava lila, History of Gaudhiya Vaisnava kirtan culture over the past 500 years...

Students will be guided by experienced devotees as they learn to organize their own Nama Yajnas, be it a 64 round day, extended kirtan program, Nagar Sankirtan, Lila Kirtan night... They will receive an introduction on sound mixing, recording and CD production as well.

There will be daily classes on mrdanga, kartals, harmonium and voice training, so that our offerings to the Lord may become most pleasing. Every night we plan to gather either at community events or programs organized by the academy students wherein some sort of  kirtan will be the focus. These will provide further practice for the students.

You may be wondering by now what is “OLD SCHOOL” about any of this? We are taking a huge leap of faith.

We are not charging for any of this.

The ancient system of education as described in our sastra speaks of dakshina, not school fees. Dakshina (a donation) is given according to one’s means and in direct proportion to the gratitude felt for the knowledge acquired. Everyone remembers Ekalavya, the famous archer of Maha Bharata who gave his right thumb to Dronacarya, his teacher, as dakshina. We trust we will be able to proudly face all naysayers in proving that devotees are grateful and generous.

We have set up a sister organization “Holy Name Foundation” that receives donations of well-wishers either as a regular percentage of their income or as a one time or occasional donation. In this way grihastas may have an opportunity to sponsor Holy Name Projects such as Kirtan Academy and Kirtan Mela.

Formal opening of the Mayapur Kirtan Academy is on December 5th 2013, classes start on December 6th and end February 27th. Registration is from October 1st until November 25th. Prior registration is necessary so that we can properly prepare for the students that will be attending. 

Please visit :

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for more details regarding registration, Holy Name Foundation or any other question you may have.

On behalf of Kirtan Academy

your servant, 
Yasomati dd

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