The Supreme Mercy of The two Lords
In Vedanta Sutra there is a famous – “anandamyo bhyasat”. This sloka explains the constitutional position of every living being. Everyone is looking for pleasure. The soul and it’s natural condition is Sachidananda, eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, full of ecstasy. Therefore the heart of every living being is constantly seeking beauty, charm, and ecstasy. Therefore the Lord descends into this world to distribute prema bhakti divine love. Because – which nourishes the heart and fulfill all its desires. When the lord appears in this world, he appears by his causeless mercy. Mercy is such a nature, when the lord descends that it is not subjected to any material laws, any laws of logic or any laws of reasoning. In fact the mercy of the lord is available to anyone in any position of life, who will simply accept it. It is described by Srila Rupa Gosvami
“namo maha-vadanyaya
krsna-prema-pradaya te
krsnaya krsna-caitanya-
namne gaura-tvise namah”
Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya 19.53
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the most munificent, merciful, and magnanimous all the incarnations. Because without considering, who is fit or who is unfit, he is distributing the mercy of the lord freely to everyone. Simply chant the name of Krishna, follow the simple principles of devotion and your life will be fulfilled with divine love. And the ecstasy, the charm, the beauty, that your heart is always seeking will be realized forever eternally. But unfortunately even the Supreme Lord Himself appears, many will not accepted. Therefore Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Lord Nityananda Prabhu to approach those persons, who will not accept love of God. Those persons who are too much attached to fallen sinful activities, those who are too attached to piety in material life, those who are too much attached to mental speculation, and so called religiosity. Thus due to pride will not accept the love of Krishna, even from Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. The Lord instructed Lord Nityananda that these people they are yours. So Lord Nityanda is the very essence of mercy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
It is described by Narottamdasa Thakur “vrajendra-nandana yei, saci-suta haila sei balarama haila nitai”. That the beautiful divine son of Sri Nanda Maharaja, Lord Gopal, He has appeared in the age of Kali Yuga in the form of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Balaramji, his eternal associate, his elder brother and His constant companion in Vraja dhama has appeared as Lord Nityananda. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu appealed to Lord Nityananda that you go and without any discrimination that who is fit or unfit, you somehow or other get everyone to accept the mercy of the holy name. And Lord Nityananda, although he is the supreme God Himself, he is appearing in the position of the devotee. In fact in Goloka Vrindavana we must understand that Balaram, although He is Krishna Himself, He is the supreme Bhagavan. He eternally appears as the servant of Krishna. In the form of Sankarshana, Anantasesha, He is Narayana’s bed, His shoes, His umbrella. He is constantly simply trying to increase the pleasure of Lord Narayana. Similarly in the form of Lakshmana during Rama Lila. Lakshmana’s only business was to give pleasure to Sri Rama. When they went into the Jarikanda forest, Lakshmana would not eat. He would not sleep. His only business was to protect Sri Rama. He was the supreme most devoted servant of Lord Rama. And similarly that same Lakshmana, that same balarama has appeared as Sri Nityananda Prabhu. His life, soul and everything is the pleasure of Sri Gaurasundra. He has no other ambition, no other mode of in life. Therefore Lord Nityananda is declared by all the acaryas to be the original spiritual master. Because he is the first expansion of godhead and appears exclusively for the pleasure of Godhead. Although He is Krishna, He could easily accept this same position. But he would never accept that position. Sometimes people that Balaram he also had His rasa lila. He was also supreme enjoyer. But Balaram never engaged in the rasa lila for his enjoyment. He simply came to the Vrindavana to specify the gopis in the service of Krishna. Everything Balaramji did, everything Lakshamana did, everything Anantasesa does is only exclusively for life and soul to satisfy and to increase the enjoyment of Krishna, Rama, and Lord Narayana.