13469142452?profile=RESIZE_584xAn irresistible offer from the Supreme Lord

What is the current situation of the world? Miseries and suffering everyday. Terrorist attacks, global warming, deadly diseases, earthquakes, floods. The list goes on.

But there is hope.

God has decided to give an offer to uplift ourselves from this miserable condition of life. How? By giving personal loans of His special mercy. God is our father, our best friend, and our ever well-wisher. He is supreme, so He can give unlimitedly—so much that you can’t take it all with your limited potential. This is the offer from that Supreme Person who owns and controls everything. When we take a loan from any bank of this material world, we undergo tension and suffer mental disorders.

What is the offer?

The offer is the gift of the most valuable commodity in the entire existence: the Lord’s holy name. Just by chanting the names such as Krsna, Allah, Jehovah, Rama, etc., all auspiciousness will dawn into your life; you will be freed from all sufferings and miseries of this world.

There are many names of Lord, so one may get confused as to what to chant. For this reason, very recently the Supreme Lord Himself came as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and propagated the congregational chanting of the holy names in India, Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. He openly distributed this gift without considering if the receiver was fit or unfit and this has been the policy of His bank ever since. Everyone can take this loan: children, young, old, men, women, people of all caste, creed, color etc.

It is clearly mentioned in the holy scriptures that whoever takes to the chanting of the holy names of lord, all his material sufferings will come to an end.

The best part of the offer is that we need not return anything! No need of any documents, or any security. Just take it to your heart and propagate this offer to all the unfortunate people who are not yet the recipients of the offer. This will be your repayment!

Now let us analyze this matter as a business transaction. If we are given some loan which need not be repaid back and also is actually giving us something very valuable to our lives without taking much of our time and energy, then what’s wrong in giving it a try? There is no question of this not working, as many people since long time are experiencing a joyful and blissful life. An intelligent person will think, “Why should we be barred from something which has benefited so many people?”

We are not exaggerating the effects of the gift. All major religions recommend chanting the holy name of Lord.

® Christ glorified the Lord’s holy name: “Our Father thou art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.” (Matthew 6:9)

® Guru Nanak prayed: “In the ambrosial hours of the morning I meditate on the grace of the true name.”

® Muslims repeatedly chant the 99 sacred names of Allah on their prayer beads.

® Buddhists also practice repetition of the name of Lord Buddha (namu amida butsu).

® Sanatana-dharma recommends the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra:

viceyani vicaryani
vicintyani punah punah
krpanasya dhananiva
tvan-namani bhavantu nah

O Lord, just as a miser continually collects, counts, and remembers his money, in the same way let us continually collect, count, and remember Your holy names. (Sri Bhavananda, from Srila Rupa Goswami’s Padyavali.)

So no other bank in the world can give us such a fantastic offer with so many benefits. Therefore let us celebrate this new year with extra bliss by chanting the holy names of the Lord.

So hurry up!

Hari Chaitanya Thamnineedi has Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engg. and is currently working with a multinational company.


Source https://www.dandavats.com/?p=15889

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