pure devotees (2)


From Back to Godhead

Fifty centuries ago, during a fierce war, Lord Krishna and one of His pure devotees achieved a unique intimacy…

In the midst of the great battle, surrounded by the clash of arms, the pounding of hooves, the rattle of trappings, the shouts of warriors, and the screams of wounded men and beasts, where the dust churned up by the horses dimmed the sun and blood turned the earth to mud, Krishna suddenly stopped the chariot and sprang to the ground. Raising the wheel of a disable

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Krishna Controlled By Pure Devotees


From Back to Godhead

By Rasa Purusa Dasa

Why ISKCON is creating devotees of devotees. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (9.4.63) the Supreme Personality of Godhead says the following to Durvasa Muni, who had committed an offense against Maharaja Ambarisha:

sri-bhagavan uvaca
aham bhakta-paradhino
hy asvatantra iva dvija
sadhubhir grasta-hrdayo
bhaktair bhakta-jana-priyah

“The Supreme Personality of Godhead said to the brahmana: I am completely under the control of My devotees. Indeed, I am not at a

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