orissa (2)


India has recently witnessed a tragic train accident near Balasore, Orissa, leaving several hundred dead and many more maimed. In the face of such a devastating event, we offer our heartfelt prayers for those who have lost their loved ones and friends, as well as for the welfare of the departed souls. During times of tragedy, we may seek solace and guidance from the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. From the Gita’s perspective, let us explore three essential points: seriousness, strength, and servic

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Though we are visiting remote areas of Orissa to document ancient temples, we couldn’t resist a pilgrimage to Jagannatha Puri. We spent the day visiting numerous sacred temples and places associated with the pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, such as Siddha Bakula, where the Lord visited Haridas Thakur and planted a Bakul tree to give His devotee shade while chanting the Holy Names. That sacred tree still exists.

Read more: https://dandavats.tumblr.com/post/676166043485519872/the-sacred-abod

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