nandotsava (2)



The Nandotsav - Birth ceremony of Lord Sri Krishna Taken from Srimad Bhagavatam 10th Canto, 5th Chapter, translated by H.D.G. Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. 

As described in this chapter, Nanda Maharaja very gorgeously performed the birth ceremony for his newborn child. Then he went to Kamsa to pay taxes due and met his intimate friend Vasudeva.

There was great jubilation all over Vrindavana due to Krishna’s birth. Everyone was overwhelmed with joy. Therefore the King of Vraja, M
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By Chaitanya Charan das

A search for God or for the ultimate truth underlying existence has characterized thinking people in various traditions all over the world. Among various conceptions of God that have been revealed, the conception of Krishna is special. One aspect of his specialty is the specialty of his devotees, especially the devotees of Vrindavan, the Vrajavasis.

The claim to specialty is a matter of not subjective sectarian sanctimony, but objective theological reality. After all, ho

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