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AnchorTrue to the ancient aphorism that “one is known by the company he keeps”, in any endeavour one’s chances of success is determined by the association he cultivates. The higher the goal, the tighter this close-knit association of like minded people is required for success. Attainment of Sudh Bhakti, being one of the highest goals of life, demands an even stricter and absolute adherence to this principle. This infallible wisdom is dexterously interwoven by Srila Rupa Goswami in upde

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What is the matter with the world?


By A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

On the 16th of February 1957 a meeting was held at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan to discuss the above subject matter. Distinguished gentlemen from different categories spoke on the subject, but practically nobody could give us a definite direction as to what actually the matter was that was troubling the whole situation. This feeling of pinching in the existence of our life is a good sign for progress. It is an urge for enquiry what is the wrong in the world

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