iskcon’s mother (2)


My beloved disciple, “ISKCON’s Mother,” Rajani Priya Dasi (Rose Forkash), passed away in her home in Carpinteria, California. Three months ago, we were pleased to celebrate her one hundredth birthday at my ashram.

You can read about Rajani Priya—and hear from her—on my website:

In a room conversation on January 20, 1977, in Bhubaneswar, Ramesvara dasa and Srila Prabhupada discussed Rose and her daughter, Lila-sakti dasi:

Ramesvara: We have one mother in Lo

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7932528262?profile=RESIZE_584xWe celebrate the auspicious occasion of the 85th birthday of our dear Rose Forkash.

When Srila Prabhupada first arrived in America, it took some time—almost a year—before people began to take his message seriously. But gradually, after he moved to New York, some young men and women did join him. And after starting the first center, on Second Avenue, Srila Prabhupada sent some disciples to San Francisco. Soon thereafter, he went, too, and it was there that he inspired and celebrated the first Rat

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