harmonist (2)

Marriage vow - Vivaha Yagna Vrata

🌾🌾🌾 Marriage vow
according to 🙏🙏🙏 Shrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur!🙏🙏🙏

🌿🌿“The cardinal principle of gṛhastha āśrama is that
no one may be the owner of any property or service of another.🌿🌿

🌿🌿Everyone is only a servant whose activities are ever in the service of the Lord. 🌿🌿

🌿🌿Similarly, the sole object of everyone’s service as the only master, only friend, only son and only consort is Krishna.🌿🌿

,🌿🌿Marrying and giving in marriage do not give rise to any rights of a master either to the husban

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By Radha Sakhi Dasi 

After two years of sheer hard work and utmost determination, Touchstone Media is proud to unveil the first dose of the crest jewel of Vaisnavism and gamut of Vaisnava philosophy in the form of ‘The Harmonist, volume 1, Ebook’.

The original version of The Harmonist appeared as ‘Sri Sajjana Tosani’ in Bengali in the year 1879, published by the Vaisnava pioneer Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Upon his departure, his son Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura instituted his pre

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