change (2)


By Chaitanya Charan das

Transcribed and edited by– Nayanasundari Devi Dasi

Question– As devotees, as sadhus, should we focus on just internal change or should we focus on social change also?

Answer (short)–

  • Primary focus in Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition has been on internal change. However, Srila Prabhupada went a step forward and used scripture as a means for social commentary to bring about a change in the society.
  • Prabhupada said, he has come to create Brahmanas and Brahmanas should inspire o
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Change By Mahatma Das


When devotees look at their obstacles to advancement in Krsna consciousness, they sometimes doubt whether they will ever be able to overcome all of them (for those of you who haven’t taken my seminar on prayer, we ask participants to make a list of obstacles they face in devotional service and formulate prayers to overcome those obstacles). It is easy to become discouraged and thus feel it may not even be worth praying to overcome obstacles. Or you may think that if you go on in devotional serv

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