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By Atma Tattva Das

In a remarkable fusion of spirituality and adaptability, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is setting a new milestone with the Tŷ Krishna Cymru project in the heart of Cardiff Bay, redefining the landscape of Wales by transforming an older building into a vibrant temple and wellness center. This ambitious venture transcends the conventional, breathing new life into a structure with historical significance, navigating the delicate balance between pre

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Here is the much talked about project video for Cardiff’s Tŷ Krishna Cymru Project (means ‘Krishna House Wales’ in Welsh language)!

The project will not only be a first class ISKCON temple housing marble deities of Śrī Śrī Gaura Nitāi on a beautiful altar, but a cutting edge preaching centre, equipped to introduce newcomers to Krishna Consciousness at their own pace.

State of the art facilities will include prasadam restaurant, yoga studio, ayurvedic treatments, guest accommodation, rooftop gard

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