Learning to Listen to the Voices of Life

On my healing journey
to postpone my death,
I missed hearing the subtle
first murmurings of spring,
when Winter just begins to dream
of all that it can become—
through rest and rejuvenation,
during snow and freezing rain,
leafless trees and barren landscapes—
transforming into new life possibilities.

I first learned this sensing
on our forested, countryside land
after adjusting to the quiet
while quieting my city mind’s busy-ness
learning to be present and open
without imposing on the environment
or having certain expectations
gradually awakening new sensitivities
of feelings for Nature and its cycles
after a few years of planting,
kneeling and digging on the soil,
my heart and senses opening
I developed a new set of ears.

With my cancer diagnosis
I used my new sensitive hearing
to go within to listen and learn
the message of the disease
from my body, mind and soul
what I needed to absorb for growth
as Krishna serves many purposes
all meant to spiritually awaken us:
with a limited physical time left
what was most essential to do?

While I searched for healing methods
I reflected on my life story
that I have shared extensively
as part of my healing journey
but this can’t perpetually define me
only for teaching how to let it go
as rungs on a later to prema
to unplug and heal from the past
my divine potential’s all important
so I can accept my new stories
of spiritual rebirth many times
during various stages of my life,
enabling me to hear Gaura and Krishna lila
and enter into my eternal story and role.
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As I contemplate my highest prospect
I realize my insights aren’t just for me
as I am guided to share them widely
to help me with my listeners
as I create a universal message for some
by my traveling to speak and connect
fueled by prayer, love and concern
increasing my writing and speaking
my attempt at heart and soul seva
so I can be who I was born to be
praying others can do the same by
giving what has worked in our lives
what is required to stay the course
of bhakti, not just to hang on,
hoping for some later miracle
but today, having a living, breathing,
dynamic, and joyful spiritual life,
authentically presented and lived.

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Source: http://www.krishna.com/blog/2016/03/16/learning-listen-voices-life

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