A splendid day kicked off with strong sadhana at the temple including a Bhagavatam class outlining how self-realization can truly take off by way of the nostrils. Such was the case for the adorable four Kumara sages. They caught a whiff of the fragrant Tulsi (sacred green), which were found at the feet of Vishnu. From there on those boys excelled in their devotion.
Our group of Bhakti Academy, along with Ajamil and I, made our way to Queen’s Park once again, this time under an old horse-chestnut tree. What a remarkable spot. Pedestrians responded so well to our kirtan. Vallabha and I walk to the front of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, where one can find the shoes of toddlers; a statement reminding us of the abuse that went on with native children in the residential schools.
In the afternoon I was set to go for sangha, devotional company with Rajasuya and Rahul down the Etobicoke Creek Trail. For the first time the two associates tried choke cherries. Bitter! Also, for the premier time, a taste of wild grapes. They were a hit! Sweet and tangy.
Along the creek we came upon another display. An organization P.A.L. picks up trash along the creek. Ready for pick-up was a pile of rejected items bagged up. We found it interesting to see a deity of Laxmi, the goddess of fortune, perched at the top of one stack. It is indeed a practice within Hinduism to submerge a deity of this kind in water after a ritual is completed. Our trek was very much situated in a populated Hindu residential area. It was a bit sad to see her plopped on top of a garbage heap.
Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/10/saturday-september-24-2022.html