Dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Mayapur dhama.
The period from the full moon of Shukla Paksha Bhadrapada month (10th Sept) to the new moon day (25th Sep) of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is called Pitru Paksha.
It is recommended in the sastras that in this period, one should offer Srardha (oblations) to the forefathers. One should also pray
to the Lord to bestow higher destination to his forefathers. One should also donate as per his capacity.

During this time, it is also considered to be very beneficial to read the eighth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita and hear Srimad Bhagavad Katha.
During this Pitru Paksha, a special program of offering prayers on your behalf is organized by ISKCON Mayapur Online Puja Services.
We invite you to fill up the form and send us the names of your forefathers. We shall offer everyday Narasmha Tulasi Puja with prayers for your forefathers.

If you wish, you can also donate for Annadana/ Goseva/ Gita dhana/ Vastra dhana/ Dham Seva.
Any service offered in the holy dham earns 1000 times more benefit than performed elsewhere. Especially Sri Mayapur dhama being situated on the banks of Ganga, makes it more suitable for offering Pitru Paksha Seva.
Remember, this year Pitru Paksha is from 10th September 2022 to 25th September 2022.

+91 9593400192 (only whatsapp message)