ISKCON Ksatriya meeting report

Varnashrma DharmaThe term Vaisnava indicates transcendence, designated not as anything material, yet in order to perform activities of functioning as a complete social body one person may serve as a Brahmana or a Ksatriya or a Vaisya. These designations are material but work done with respect to one's Varna and offered to Krsna in devotional service is Bhakti Yoga and called Daivi Varnashram, transcendental Varnashram. Srila Prabhupada was very concerned when he saw how those entering devotional service were not able to stay fixed in service.

“The Varnashram dharma should be established to become Vaisnava It is not so easy to become Vaisnava …If Vaisnava, to become Vaisnava is so easy, why so many…fall down? It is not easy.”
(Room Conversation, Mäyapur, 14 February 1977)

“The varnäsrama college has to be established immediately. Everywhere, wherever we have got our center, varnäsrama college should be established to train four divisions…Because if the people are in chaos, how they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain.”
(Morning Walks, Vrndävana, 12 & 14 March 1974)

The varnäsrama [phase of Srila Prabhupäda’s movement] differs from the previous phases of Srila Prabhupada's movement in that it directly involves the ksatriya and vaisya elements of society, whereas the first three phases(Harinam and book distribution, establishing Temples and Diksa initiation) were mainly centered on brahminical concerns and activities, which may explain why we have been having difficulty implementing it.

On May 4-5 at Prabhupada Desh Italy 10 devotees who are well trained in the different sciences of martial artist along with a few others completed a very successful Seminar on Ksatriya Dharma. Yougesh Candra Prabhu from Chowpatty organized the agenda, Murari Caitanya Prabhu who has a started an Academy for training (see presented many aspects of Ksatriya Dharma with emphasis on the qualities of a real Ksatriya as gleaned from Srila Prabhupada books. Protection, Administration, Welfare make up the main duties of a real Ksatriya supported by the qualities of a Vaisnava. An Association was formed called Vaisnava Ksatriya Dharma Association. A constitution is in the presently in the making. The idea is to provide devotional services for those who are already skilled in the various martial arts who will be able to serve as a security force for ISKCON Temples along with training others in the science of martial arts. Education seminars will be held on the duties and qualities with respect to Ksatriya Varna. Murari Caitanya Prabhu's spiritual master H.H.Jayapataka Maharaja instructed him to "make devotees into Ksatriyas and make Ksatriyas into devotees.

The meeting initiated an important first step by bringing together devotees who want to serve ISKCON thru their skills in martial arts. A second meeting is tentatively scheduled in Italy in Sept. and another in Mumbai in Dec. Detail forthcoming

Hare Krsna.

Your Servant
Candramauli Swami

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