Hindu front against McDo

The Hindu front held a press conference on Tuesday. “We are a tolerant society. We are not against development in the country but there is a limit to everything,” said Srinjay Das, secretary of ISKCON.

According to Das, the most important point for objection is the smell of food items made from beef and poultry. “This will bother the devotees who are vegetarian,” he said, adding that cow protection is a fundamental Hindu religious principle.

“The restaurant that proposes to start operations immediately next door to ISKCON is considered a symbol of cow slaughter. It is a prominent visual representative of the exact opposite of what we preach,” said Das.

ISKCON is working on a mega project where a new temple will be built. “This temple will be next to the new McDonald’s restaurant and only 34 metres will separate the two buildings. We are only asking that the new restaurant be relocated inside the food court,” he said.

Veerendra Ramdhun, chairman of the Hindu House, did not mince words and said that if needed they will stage a demonstration.

“McDonald’s is playing with the credibility of ISKCON and this is unacceptable,” he said. For Ajeet Gopal of Kranti, this press conference was only the first step and he is hoping that the management of McDonald’s will go back on its decision.

Das confirmed that the management of McDonald’s contacted them on January 24 and he will announce new developments on January 26.

Nilesh Dabysing, the marketing manager of Foresite the company in charge of the renovation works at Jumbo said they have followed all the procedures to obtain a permit for construction. An investigation is on.

A senior officer at McDonald’s said that they are waiting for the authorities to take a decision.






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  • Jai Shri Krishna..


    Each day that passes Kali gets a foothold but diligent Iskcon devotees will never perish!

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