13469125278?profile=RESIZE_710xThe GRULAC delegation with Mahaprabhu Das, Yudhistir Govinda Das, and Mohan Rupa Das (center).

A delegation of ambassadors from the Group of Latin American and Caribbean (GRULAC) countries visited the ISKCON temple in New Delhi at the invitation of Yudhistir Govinda Das, Trustee and Country Director of Communications for ISKCON India and Mahaprabhu Das, ISKCON Europe’s Director of Communications.

The delegation included the Ambassador of Argentina and his wife, the Ambassador of Colombia with his wife and a friend, as well as the Ambassadors of Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile, and Ecuador. Additionally, Meenakshi Lekhi, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Culture in the Government of India, and Prof Sunil Joshi, a Sanskrit professor at Delhi University, joined the visit.

Upon arrival at the temple, the dignitaries were warmly received by Mahaprabhu Das, Yudhistir Govinda Das, and other temple leaders.

“The visit began at Govinda’s Restaurant and continued to the temple, where the ambassadors had darshan of Lord Narasimhadeva, Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Partha Sarathi, and Sri Sri Sita Rama, Lakshman, and Hanuman,” explained Mahaprabhu Das. “A special puja was arranged for them, and they all received the blessings of Their Lordships.”

Following this, the group toured the Bhagavad-gita Museum, home to the world’s largest Bhagavad-gita. The delegation was deeply impressed by the exhibit. Expressing his admiration, the Ambassador of Argentina, Mariano Caucino, shared, “We are very pleased and happy to be here and receive the blessings… India’s culture is one of the best things.”

Mahaprabhu Das conducted a discussion in Spanish on the philosophy of Vaishnavism and ISKCON’s presence in South America, while Yudhistir Govinda Das highlighted ISKCON’s activities in India. The Temple President Mohan Rupa Das also addressed the delegation and welcomed them.

As part of their visit, the ambassadors took part in distributing khichdi prasadam to other guests at the temple, followed by a sumptuous buffet lunch at Govinda’s Restaurant.

Read More https://iskconnews.org/grulac-delegation-visits-iskcon-delhi-and-experiences-indias-spiritual-heritage-and-hospitality/

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