GBC AGM Report- February 20th, 2011
By Sraddhadevi dasi
The 2011 Governing Body Commission (GBC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) commenced onFebruary 20th in the Society’s world headquarters, Mayapur, West Bengal. Madhusevita dasa, this year’s GBC chairman, welcomed the GBC body,appreciating that thirty-one out of thirty-three voting GBC members were present at this session.
Serving on the executive committee along with Madhusevita dasa this year were Hriday Chaitanya dasa and Bhakti Chaitanya Swami. Prayers wererequested for Bhakti Chaitanya Swami who recently fell, injuring his spine and suffering a brain hemorrhage, and therefore was unable to attend thisyear’s meetings. Ramai Swami is temporarily filling in for Bhakti Chaitanya Swami’s executive committee duties.
Following tradition, the first AGM presentation was the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust’s (BBT) book distribution report. Madhusevita dasa read aloud theoutstanding book scores for 2010, calculated by the number and size of books distributed by an individual or temple. Applause and appreciation was shownby the GBC for all of those who distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books. Special recognition was given to Bhakti Radhika devi dasi from Mumbai, Indiawho held the top individual score of 118,933 book points and to the New Delhi temple that held the top score for temples, with a score of 782,895book points.
Gopal Krishna Goswami then reaffirmed the importance Srila Prabhupada placed on book distribution, referencing Prabhupada’s statement that as long asbook distribution continues, “ISKCON will never die.” Gopal Krishna Goswamialso explained some of the ways they are successfully distributing books inIndia, such as receiving corporate sponsorship for books, placing books in hotel rooms, and distributing books to prisons. Books are also beingdistributed to hospitals. One hospital in India has the policy of giving Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita to every patient who has surgery.
Next, BB Govinda Swami spoke about the new Bhaktivedanta Hospice in Vrindavan, India. Bhaktivedanta Hospice is a beautiful 40,000 square foothospice facility fully equipped to professionally care for the medical,emotional, and spiritual needs of its patients. The Hospice includes eightsingle patient rooms, six double or triple occupancy rooms, a temple hall, and a portable temple that travels from room to room. Since its opening inAugust 2010, the hospice has treated 665 patients and hospice doctors have made 1850 home visits. (Those interested in supporting the BhaktivedantaHospice or who would like more information can visit
Presenting the annual report of ISKCON’s Child Protection Office (CPO) was the CPO director, Chamapakalata devi dasi. Champakalata devi dasi stronglyemphasized the need to assure that every ISKCON center has a local Child Protection Team (CPT) per GBC law. CPTs consist of two or three devotees whoare elected by the local community to act as a resource and first responder to any allegations of child abuse that may arise within the community.
Champakalata devi dasi also addressed the issue of financing the Child Protection Office. Since 2006, there has been a steep decline in financialsupport, and in 2010 the CPO functioned on less than $20,000 USD. Following the presentation, many GBC members personally pledged to increase theirfinancial support of the CPO. (Any readers who would also like to assist in this cause or would like more information on the role and function of theCPO, please visit
In the afternoon, an update on the construction of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) was given to the GBC body. Ambarisa dasa was pleased toreport that construction of the TOVP is ahead of schedule and under budget. The Managing Director of the project, Sadbhuja dasa, explained how in sevenmonths, 2300 concrete piles reinforced with stainless steel rebar were driven over one-hundred feet into the footprint of the construction site.Now that the piles are in place, the superstructure of the TOVP is going up at a rapid rate.
Sadbhuja dasa was happy to report that the TOVP team in conjunction with the construction company, Gammon, is working twenty-four hours a day to insurethat every piece of the TOVP is constructed to the highest standard possible. The TOVP team employs approximately 50 devotees, including 22engineers. This is in addition to Gammon’s 30 engineers and 800 employees on the TOVP project. At the current rate, by this time next year most of themain dome will be constructed. (To learn how to contribute to the TOVP project and to view construction updates, visit
The evening concluded with a presentation by Balabhadra dasa on the ISKCON Cow Protection (ISCOWP) ministry. Balabhadra dasa noted how farm communitiesare on the decline in ISKCON even though the need and interest in organic and cruelty free milk products and produce is on the rise. Given thesituation, Balabhadra dasa called for a revitalization of farm community initiatives within ISKCON.
From February 21st-24th, the GBC Strategic Planning Team (SPT) will conduct meetings with GBC members and invited guests. The SPT will be publishingreports on this portion of the meetings. Regular meeting updates will continue when the formal GBC meetings resume on February 25th.