Robin is from the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and she asked if I could answer some questions, so I agreed.
"So what brings you here to London?"
"I'm the MC for tonight's show here at the auditorium. It's called Festival of India, and it will feature talent in music, dance and philosophy." I further explained that I'm from these parts, here in the southern Ontario farmland, and that I entered monkhood, getting interesting in the lifestyle, when I was going to college in her town (Sudbury). "Rocky Mountain Ranch is the big attraction in Sudbury, and it was my cousins who started that project and ran it for some time."
Robin stuck around for the show, which included our girls from Florida, the ‘Dasi’ group, performing my drama, "Gita: Concise." Also on stage were our boys, providing excellent instrumental on tablaand sarod,in addition to Gaura's guitar and golden voice. Ensemble ‘Tapaz’ did some exhilarating dance displays. A highlight for me was Gaura's rendition of "Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevayah."
Food was provided, tasty and not overly spiced (thank God). I searched for feedback, apart from the food, and more directed toward the show, after we were done. This was the first of a traveling road show under the name "Festival of India” or "Shakti Show” when a certain audience is targeted. The Canadian western people who were the largest contingent of the audience gave us feedback. This compilation of words came from them: "Loved it!” "Great,!" "All of it was good!” "I like your robes."