October 12, 2023
Dear Devotees of ISKCON,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Many devotees have contacted the Communications Ministry in the last day or two with concerns regarding the Peacock Studio’s film that will be released on October 24, 2023. It is named “Krishnas: Gurus. Karma. Murder.”
The film is a 3-hour, 3-part production that Peacock has been working on for well over a year. We were told that all three parts will be released at once, via a streaming service. Peacock likely spent millions of dollars making this film, so they will promote it widely.
We understand that the film started out as a balanced documentary on the history of the ISKCON, or the Hare Krishna movement. But, with the media climate being what it is today, and with viewers clamoring for controversy and a thirst for negativity–we perceive that much of the show, especially the second section, will focus on the demise and criminal acts of the former Kirtanandana Swami, aka Keith Ham, the deposed former leader of New Vrindaban.
For those who don’t know the history, the film’s negative portrayals could be especially disturbing. Those familiar with ISKCON history may find it less so, knowing that 1) these events happened more than 35 years ago; 2) the GBC was proactive in expelling Kirtanananda Swami/Keith Ham in the 1980s when it learned of his immoral and criminal acts; 3) ISKCON was instrumental in assisting the government in their prosecution, and eventual jailing of, Keith Ham.
Read more: https://iskconnews.org/communications-ministry-statement-to-iskcon-devotees-in-relation-to-peacock-studios-trailer-film-krishnas-gurus-karma-murder/