Krishna is the source of all incarnations/expansions/planery expantions. Lord Krishna is the original Lord Vishnu.
Buddha is also an incarnation of Lord. But such incarnations are not considered to be very advanced in Vedic knowledge(Lord does His own ways). There was a special purpose of Buddha incarnation. So called brahmanas of that time were slaughtering animals on the names of sacrifices given in the Vedas. So Lord incarnated to take away people by preaching Non-violence.
Buddha asked people to leave Vedas. Thus people became Godless. Buddhists do not believe in God. Buddhists even do not believe in Non-Violence now a days. Mostly all Buddhists eat meat including their spiritual master DALAI LAMA. Krishna conciousness is pure love, unalloyed devotion for the Supreme personality of Godhead Sri Krishna.
So the point is that Buddha incarnation was the need of that age so Lord incarnted according to His supreme will.
What a shame... What is then the point of being a Bhuddist ? No knowledge, no more original values...