I was asked to give the lecture on Janmastami at the Detroit temple, (forthose of you in other countries, Detroit is a city in the state of Michiganin the USA). As I was speaking about the pastimes of Krsna somethingPrabhupada had said entered my train of thought, "Devotees are not satisfiedin just hearing the glories of Krsna they also want to distribute Hisglories." Well, that sparked an interactive discussion on book distribution.I asked, "How many of you have distirbuted books?" Everyone raised theirhands. I said, "Sense we all know how to do it why don't we all go out andhave Harinama and book distribution on this auspicous day of Janmastami." Iheard a roor of approval, so that's what we did. We went to a suburb ofDetroit, "Royal Oaks" and had a 'Sankirtan Party.' It was the most ecstaticJanmastami I've ever experienced, the devotees were in ecstacy, and so manypeople were appreciating the Harinam and books.The next day, "Prabhupada's appearance day" I interviewed a devotee who hasbeen distributing books for thirty-three years. His name is Ayodya dasa adisciple of Srila Prabhupada. He's 73 years old and goes out on bookdistribution every day (except ekadasi) in India. He lives in Vrndavanadistributes in the trains from Mathura to Agra. I asked him how are you ableto distribute every day year after year? He said, "I like it. Prabhupada'sbooks give the highest truth so what else would I want to do but give thisimportant information to others."Athough book distribution is illeagal in the trains whenever an employee ofthe train company sees him they allow him to continue, they see his saintly,humble nature so they don't bother him. His determination is that he will goon until his body doesn't allow anymore. He is an example of greatdetermination. Prabhupada was speaking to some devotees once about the needto be determined. One devotee asked, "Prabhupada what if someone doesn'thave determination. Prabhupada said, "Then he is an animal."All glories to the determination and compassion of Ayodya dasa!your servant,Vijaya das