13451375452?profile=RESIZE_584xSo today is the transcendental appearance day of Lord Varaha. We have got the regular Bhagavatam verse on the board from Prthu Maharaj’s going back to Godhead. However we are not going to read that this morning. We are going to talk about Lord Varahadev instead because it is an interesting narrative.

There are different incarnations or appearances of Lord Varahadev. Previously the white boar incarnation has been described. The one that is in the Bhagavatam as we receive it is the story about the red incarnation and His fight with the demon Hiranyaksha. So it is an interesting history and one that is very instructive for the devotees because it is a narrative of people feeling sorry. The history is Diti was feeling unusually lusty. She was feeling impelled to the point where she lost control of herself and she approached her husband Kasyapa at an inauspicious time for the purpose of having a child. Of course it is to be noted that it wasn’t even though she was feeling lusty her intention was to have a child. So it was for procreative purposes. You could say it was dharmic nevertheless. However it was still at an improper time of the day because it was sunset and that is just when Lord Siva and his ghostly hordes become active.

Apparently any child that is conceived at that time of the day is likely to be one of those ghostly … taking their next birth. The Vedic principle is not to have sex for procreation or any sex at that time of the day because you don’t know who is coming into the womb. It might not be somebody that you particularly like. So somehow or the other she convinced her husband that don’t wait even a few more minutes. It must be done now because she was impelled by some force or the other. The end result was that immediately these two twins where put into a womb and the afterwards she immediately felt very sorry.

So she was the first person in this whole episode to start feeling sorry. She recognised her mistake immediately because she was a devotee and her husband also was feeling quite sorry. So she prayed to him. In fact she prayed to Lord Siva to excuse her mistake. On account of that although she did this act at an improper time the children that would be born from this will be terrorists. They will not terrorise just one small area but they are going to terrorise the entire universe and afflict everybody. And everybody else is going to be sorry because of what you have done. She was feeling very sorry when she heard that and because of her repentance although the deed itself could not be undone, the result could not be undone. It was modified.


Read More https://www.dandavats.com/?p=10263

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