By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi
ISKCON Newtown temple project, also called the Abhay Tirtha project, aims to immortalize Srila Prabhupada’s legacy as the pre-eminent acharya of modern times. The project is an aspiration to fulfill his desire to build a huge community-based temple in his birthplace, Calcutta.
In his letter dated September 25, 1970, to Gargamuni Das, Srila Prabhupada emphasized his vision for a grand temple in Calcutta, writing, “We shall open a very gorgeous branch in Calcutta. Calcutta is my birthplace, so all of you, as my disciples, do something unique in Calcutta. That will be fitting service to your Spiritual Master.”
Since 2018, annual meetings have been convened to deliberate on expanding temple presence in Calcutta. Prior to the purchase of the land at Newtown, there was an idea to build a big temple at Gurusaday Road. In a recent interview with ISKCON News, Acharya Ratna Das, Chairman of the ISKCON Newtown Temple Council, shared how this project wants to make people aware of who Srila Prabhupada was and how he has contributed so much and helped all the devotees. He said, “Srila Prabhupada did not promote himself. He promoted Krishna. We want to make sure that everybody knows Srila Prabhupada and he becomes a household name.”
Presently, ISKCON Newtown has 25 acres of land with a modest Goshala and Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga temple. Acarya Ratna Das noted, “Our target is to launch Phase One of the project in 2025 on the 60th Anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s departure to America. We are planning to inaugurate Phase Two of the project in 2027 as an offering to Srila Prabhupada on his 50th Disappearance Anniversary celebrations.”
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