It's Thursday night and once again Sri Harinam came to the streets of the city of Sydney. Tonight we all experienced another very beautiful Harinam. Thanks to the 20 devotees who came along to make Harinam a regular event on Sydney's streets.
We had a wonderful start to the evening and there were many adventures along the way. One lady told us she wanted us to to chant Hare Krishna in English. We said we are chanting in English and she stayed with us and made videos of the Harinam.
Then there was a young man who came along and he wanted to sing. He looked like he was African but when we let him have a turn he was singing a Hindi bhajan, glorifying Lord Rama. It was wild and crazy.
Tonight we sang and danced along George street and then back to Town Hall by the Event cinema.
Whilst we were chanting at an intersection two guys came along and started chanting with us. They stayed with us for the rest of the night. They really enjoyed the chanting and dancing and the end they asked where we were from because they really loved it and wanted more. You can see them in a couple of photos.
Thanks to Radha Vinod Prabhu who distributed two books.
And don’t forget, we are chanting and dancing in the street every Thursday in the City of Sydney. We meet at 6.30pm to 8pm at Town Hall.
Please join us whenever you can, we have so much fun and so does everyone else. See you next Thursday.
Sri Harinam Sankirtan ki jaya.