Ponggal celebration at new Godruma farm

Sri Jagannatha Mandir, ISKCON Malaysia HQ: Mattu (Cow) Ponggal celebration at new Godruma farm, Malaysia 16/11/15 (Album with photos)

About 50 devotees participated in Mattu (Cow) Ponggal celebration at New Godruma Farm, Lanchang today. We had ten ponggal pots and we divided into small groups to cook Ponggal (rich brown sweet rice cooked with ghee, cashews) and later offered them to Sri Sri Radha Govinda. Ponggal festival is joyful and what more to speak when you celebrate it at our farm with all our beloved father bulls, mother cows and calves! Calf Vaishnavi was the most popular today and she having lots of fun playing around with children, eating lots of jackfruit! We performed Go Puja, fed the cows and of course concluded with sumptuous prasadam feast eaten traditionally on banana leaves. We ate fresh organic fruits and quenched our thirst with the first class sugarcane and lemon juice from our farm! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Source: https://goo.gl/M0Vw1K

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