Book Distribution weekend of November 3-6, 2016

Ok, I admit it…. I’m hooked! Nothing gives me more pleasure, more satisfaction, more happiness, etc. than distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books! I meet fortunate souls every day who are eager to learn about this transcendental knowledge and I am so grateful to be an instrument in their spiritual journey! For a real treat….click on the pics to see what they think!

Book totals for this weekend: 6 Perfection of Yoga, 11 Chant and be Happy, 56 Higher Taste Cookbooks, 1 Science of Self Realization, 100 soft bound Bhagavad Gitas, 9 hard bound Bhagavad Gitas, 5 Srimad Bhagavatams 1.1 Total: 188 books


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