Mayavadi commented on Saci Gaurasundara Dasa's blog post Happiness is Not Possible Without Devotional Service
"Not even one line in this post properly represents the tenets of Advaita Vedanta 🙏😭"
9 hours ago
Mayavadi updated their profile
10 hours ago
Mayavadi replied to Rahul ujjenwal's discussion The teenage pregnancy of Shrila prabhupadas wife
"I never critisized him for marrying a young girl. It was the most normal thing for his time and times before him. Also, just because kunti devi or someone from ancient married at young age won't mean we should also do that right? Unless someone…"
Apr 15
Mayavadi replied to Rahul ujjenwal's discussion The teenage pregnancy of Shrila prabhupadas wife
"Why would I want to marry a young girl lol. I don't practice any outdated and un-practical vedic practices. Also I need to be a pure devotee for what?"
Apr 15
Mayavadi replied to Rahul ujjenwal's discussion The teenage pregnancy of Shrila prabhupadas wife
"Bruh are you insulting Krishna by trying to defend Prabhupada?"
Apr 15
Mayavadi replied to Rahul ujjenwal's discussion The teenage pregnancy of Shrila prabhupadas wife
""But my main doubt is that the first child of prabhupad was when his wife was at the of 14 years so I feel bit a weird because 14 years is less for giving birth to a child."
Hinduism is the only religion that can adapt to modern morals and values.…"
Apr 15
Mayavadi replied to Rahul ujjenwal's discussion The teenage pregnancy of Shrila prabhupadas wife
"Krishna lifted Govardhana, can Prabhupada?"
Apr 15
Mayavadi and kunal are now friends
Apr 14
Mayavadi updated their profile photo
Apr 7
Mayavadi replied to Mayavadi's discussion Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a dasanami?
"Not familiar with the term dasanami.
Dasanami order was established by Adi-Shankaracharya. Whoever belongs to the dasanami order, belongs to his parampara.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu accepted Harinam initiation from Ishvarapuri.
It was only the mantra…"
Jan 25
Mayavadi replied to Mayavadi's discussion Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a dasanami?
"Lord Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu's goal was not to defeat Advaitavada.
But then, why did he accept the dasanami lineage?
Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's goal was not to defeat Advaitavada.
Then why did he accept the commentaries of Sridhara Svami? His…"
Jan 24
Mayavadi posted a discussion
if I am not wrong, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was known as "Swami Krsnachaitanya Bharati" and he took initiation under Swami Keshava Bharati, who was a dasanami sannyasa (Shankaracharya Parampara). So does ISKCON also come under the dasanami…
Jan 23
Mayavadi replied to Mayavadi's discussion FOUND AN INCORRECT TRANSLATION IN THE ISOPANISHAD
"How can we reject ablsolute advaita ?
How can we? when almost everywhere in the vedas absolute advaita is accepted
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Shukla Yajur veda 1.4.10 Says:
brahma vā idamagra āsīt, tadātmānamevāvet, aham brahmāsmīti |…"
Jan 3
Mayavadi replied to Mayavadi's discussion FOUND AN INCORRECT TRANSLATION IN THE ISOPANISHAD
"Note: I am neither an advaitin nor a vaishnava. But I do not reject the concept of Advaita and even Dvaita. Everything is true, but they are on different scales and levels is what i believe."
Jan 1
Mayavadi replied to Mayavadi's discussion FOUND AN INCORRECT TRANSLATION IN THE ISOPANISHAD
"What is wrong with saying that jivatma and Paramatma are the same? They are ultimately one. The distinction between the jivatma and Paramatma is present only from the empirical point of view, but not from the absolute level, as there is only Brahman…"
Jan 1
Mayavadi replied to Mayavadi's discussion FOUND AN INCORRECT TRANSLATION IN THE ISOPANISHAD
"What is the strong reason behind mentioning "parts and parcels" when there is no such mention?
I've read the commentary of Sri Madhavacharya also. he explained that the realization of the Supreme Self as the pervasive and supportive reality leads to…"
Dec 29, 2023