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  • Hare Krishna,

    I wish you all success in Krishna Consciousness.
    May Lord Krishna always bless and protect you
    and bestow His mercy on you and may He fill
    your life with

    peace and love;

    harmony and wisdom;

    simplicity and humility;

    appreciation and gratitude;

    patience and perseverance;

    kindness and generosity;

    compassion and forgiveness;

    courage and enthusiasm;
    devotion, dedication and determination.

    With love and best wishes. 
    Take care.


  • Volunteer
    Dear John Henry Durango Osorio Prabhuji, Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am very happy to accept your friends request, please let me know if I can be of any service to you in your Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dandvats, Prabhuji. Bitte akzeptieren Sie meine demütigen Ehrerbietungen. Alle Ehre sei Srila Prabhupada. Ich wünsche Ihnen hiermit alles Gute für Krishna-Bewusstsein, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dandvats, Prabhuji. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I do hereby wish you all the best in Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.

  • Srila Prabhupada es el SOL.

    ISKCON es su LUZ.

    Y sus Devotos Puros sus RAYOS DE LUZ.

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