Sujeet Katiyar's Posts (6)

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The Indian Parliament passed the much-awaited data privacy legislation known as the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDPA) in August 2023. It has received the President’s assent and has been published in the official gazette. However, various provisions of the DPDPA have not come into force as yet as its implementation is to be carried out in a phased manner. Recently Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that the accompanying rules of the DPDPA are ready and will be notified by early January 2024.

Unlike the European Union which gave organizations a period of two years to comply with their data protection legislation known as the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’ (GDPR), the Indian government is looking at a timeline of 4-6 months for the industry to comply and align business practices with the new personal data protection law. The DPDPA has been largely influenced by the GDPR and drafted based on the same underlying principles such as lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, storage limitation, accuracy, data minimization, integrity, and confidentiality as well as accountability. However, successfully implementing the DPDPA requires a well-defined strategy that addresses various challenges and leverages valuable lessons learned from experiences like the GDPR. Here's a roadmap for a successful implementation: Phase 1: Planning and Preparation (3-6 months) Gather Information: o Thoroughly understand the DPDPA provisions, principles, and standards. o Analyse relevant legal opinions, precedents, and regulatory guidance. o Benchmark against other data protection regimes (GDPR, CCPA) for best practices. Leadership Commitment: o Secure buy-in from top leadership on prioritizing and resourcing DPDPA compliance. o Establish a cross-functional team with representatives from legal, IT, business units, and privacy teams. o Appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) as the central point of contact for data protection matters. Data Mapping and Inventory: o Conduct a comprehensive data mapping exercise to identify all personal data your organization processes, where it's stored, and how it's used. o Create a data inventory with detailed information about each data type and relevant processing activities. Gap Analysis and Risk Assessment: o Analyse your current data protection and cybersecurity practices against DPDPA requirements. o Identify any gaps and potential risks associated with data processing activities. o Conduct Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) for high-risk processing activities. Develop Policies and Procedures: o Draft and implement a comprehensive data protection policy outlining your commitment to privacy and compliance with DPDPA. o Develop procedures for handling data subject rights requests (access, correction, erasure, etc.). o Create standardized protocols for data breach notification and incident response.

Phase 2: Implementation and Integration (6-12 months) Consent Mechanisms: o Design and implement clear and user-friendly consent mechanisms for data collection and processing activities. o Ensure users have the option to withdraw consent easily and be informed about its implications. Data Security Measures: o Enhance your cybersecurity infrastructure with strong access controls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems. o Implement regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address security risks. Data Subject Rights Management: o Develop an efficient system for handling data subject rights requests, considering response timelines and documentation requirements. o Train personnel on handling data subject rights effectively and respectfully. Vendor Management: o Assess and manage the data protection practices of third-party vendors and service providers that handle your data. o Incorporate data protection clauses into contracts with vendors to ensure their compliance with DPDPA. Privacy by Design: o Integrate privacy considerations into the design and development of new products and services. o Ensure privacy protections are embedded throughout the development lifecycle. Training and Awareness: o Conduct comprehensive training programs for all employees on DPDPA requirements, data protection principles, and best practices. o Raise awareness about the importance of data privacy and individual rights throughout the organization.

Phase 3: Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance (Continuous) Documentation and Records: o Maintain thorough documentation of all data protection activities, policies, and procedures. o Keep detailed records of data subject rights requests, data breaches, and compliance efforts. Testing and Validation: o Regularly test and validate the effectiveness of your data protection and cybersecurity controls to identify and address vulnerabilities. o Conduct internal audits and assessments to ensure ongoing compliance with DPDPA requirements. Reporting and Accountability: o Establish a reporting framework to track data breaches, compliance efforts, and data protection activities. o Define clear roles and responsibilities for data protection at all levels within the organization. Legal and Regulatory Updates: o Stay informed about evolving data protection regulations and legal developments, adapting your practices accordingly. o Seek legal counsel for guidance on complex data protection issues and interpretation of the DPDPA. Additional Considerations: Communication and Transparency: Maintain open communication with stakeholders about your data protection practices and compliance efforts. Data Minimization: Collect and process only the minimum amount of personal data necessary for legitimate purposes. Cross-border Data Transfers: Implement appropriate safeguards and comply with regulations for transferring personal data outside India. Adaptability and Continuous Improvement: Be prepared to adapt your data protection practices to evolving legislation and best practices. Regularly review and improve your compliance program to ensure its effectiveness. By following this roadmap and tailoring it to your specific organizational context, you can successfully implement the DPDPA and build a culture of data privacy within your organization. Remember, compliance is not a one-time project but an ongoing commitment. Consistent monitoring, review, and continuous improvement are essential for maintaining data privacy and protecting individual rights in the digital age. Successful DPDPA compliance requires a holistic approach, strong leadership commitment, and ongoing efforts to protect individual privacy. #dpdpact #dpdpa #dpdp #dataprivacy #datasecurity #informationsecurity #personaldata #personaldataprotection #gdpr #datacompliance #cybersecurity

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Why one must QUIT SMOKING?

ENOUGH reasons to quit smoking – NOW!!

Some might fancy their favorite stars on the big screen, smoking and puffing away those silver rings in the air and find it “oh-so-cool”. But in reality, do you have any idea about the havoc it creates within your body and how it brings you closer to be several life threatening diseases?
Why Quit Smoking
Smoking statistics
Around 90,000 Indians die of tobacco related disease every year
56.6% of cancer in men and 44.8% cancers in women are caused by tobacco
Smokers are thrice more likely to develop tuberculosis than non smokers
Tobacco users are twice at risk for developing heart diseases and paralysis
Still not convinced? Hang on! Now go through the reasons why you should think 1000 times before lighting a cigarette:

Cancers of all sorts: Lung, mouth, cheeks, oral, pharynx, larynx, stomach, kidney, penis, urinary and gall bladder cancers are more mostly because of the ill effects of tobacco.

Heart diseases: Heart attack, angina (chest pain), sudden cardiac death, stroke, peripheral vascular disease (gangrene of legs), and paralysis hits people who are used to nicotine consumption. It reduces flow of blood to heart and increases blood pressure. A smoker has a weak heart and is prone to develop plaque around the coronary arteries and narrows them eventually.

Range of lung diseases: Chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema and several other respiratory tract diseases develops in smokers.

Lower stamina: Smoking decreases stamina and power for physical activity. Smokers tend to get tired and drained easily while doing any strenuous activity.

Sexual dysfunction: Impotence, early menopause and decreased oestrogen levels comes along free with heavy smoking. When combined with birth control pills, chance of stroke for women increases.

Accelerates ageing: Smoking can make you age faster than nature does.

Aesthetic turn off: Stained teeth, darkened lips, wrinkled skin, less hair on scalp, bad breath, and smelly clothes – oh what a put off!!

Passing illnesses to loved ones: A smoker unintentionally and unknowingly passes on grave illnesses to others nearby him. Being a passive smoker, anyone around a smoking person is bound to inhale the harmful chemical that comes out of the exhaled smoke.

Pinch your pocket: Isn’t it amusing that we spend so much money on something that can is killing us internally? Smoking not only is exceedingly damaging for health but also dents the pocket severely.

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Pasteurization is a dangerous method of heating our foods with tragic side effects which are largely ignored bu the FDA and downplayed by the dairy industry. To accept these facts would be to surrender after a hundred-year war indiscriminately waged against all bacteria--a hundred-year war that has now turned to attack the immune systems of the public. Here are 9 reasons why pasteurization destroys the nutritional and enzymatic value of milk and why you need to avoid it.

Raw milk contains vast amounts of nutrients including beneficial bacteria such as lactobacillus acidolphilus, vitamins and enzmes, and only a very modest source of calcium (if left unpasteurized).

To understand what heat does to a good bacteria, we need to know about its structure. A bacterium is a single-celled organism. Think of it like a studio apartment, one room containing all the things a person needs to live: food, water, air. The walls of the apartment enclose the electrical wiring and gas pipes that deliver energy, along with the sewage pipes that get rid of waste products. In contrast to the size of this single-celled organism, even an animal as small as a mouse would be like a huge city with thousands of buildings and extensive infrastructure to keep it "alive."

When the temperature gets hot enough, the enzymes in the bacterium are denatured, meaning they change shape. This change renders them useless, and they're no longer able to do their work. The cell simply ceases to function. 

Heat can also damage the bacterium's cell envelope. Proteins and fatty acids making up the envelope lose their shape, weakening it. At the same time, fluid inside the cell expands as the temperature rises, increasing the internal pressure. The expanding fluid pushes against the weakened wall and causes it to burst, spilling out the guts of the bacterium. 

Pasteurization constitutes one of the milder forms of thermal processing. Ultra-high temperature and sterilization methods kill all microorganisms in the food, while milder heat treatments like thermization and pasteurization only kill some of them. Why not use a higher temperature if it will kill more pathogens? The answer is that higher temperatures change the characteristics of the food.

At higher temperatures, as with Ultra High Temperature Pasteurization, several things happen to milk that make it less desirable to consumers: 

High-Temp Pasteurization - Milk is heated to 161F for 31 seconds in order to sterilize the milk. The problem is that this also kills enzymes, much of the healthy microorganisms, and more importantly it denatures the proteins. Essentially, high-temp pasteurization kills the milk and makes it much more difficult for your body to digest. This can typically lead to inflammatory bowel disease, among others. 

Ultra-Pasteurized - This is the majority of our milk today, what you would typically find in a grocery store. Ultra-pasteurization heats the milk to 280F for only a few seconds. The reason for using ultra-pasteurization is because it kills everything. Ultra pasteurization not only kills potentially harmful bacteria in the milk, but also damages all of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients originally contained in the milk. This process also kills the healthy enzymes which help your body digest the milk, and drinking it without the enzymes can lead to lactose intolerance.

Low-Temp Pasteurization - Milk is only heated to 145F. This is significant because it’s below the temperature that kills most of the beneficial enzymes and the proteins remain in-tact. The main downside to low-temp pasteurization is that some of the enzymes and probiotics can be damaged. But, by culturing (fermenting it with good bacteria) this dairy and making yogurt, kefir or amasai, many of those probiotics are added back. This also improves the digestibility of the dairy. Low-temp is the closest to raw milk products most of us in the US can get. 

Most cow's milk has measurable quantities of herbicides, pesticides, dioxins (up to 200 times the safe levels), up to 52 powerful antibiotics, blood, pus, feces, bacteria and viruses. 


1) Pasteurization Used To Mask Low-Quality Milk
Heat destroys a great number of bacteria in milk and thus conceals the evidence of dirt, pus and dirty dairy practices. It’s cheaper to produce dirty milk and kill the bacteria by heat, that to maintain a clean dairy and keep cows healthy. To combat the increase in pathogens milk goes through ‘clarification’, ‘filtering’, ‘bactofugation’ and two ‘deariation’ treatments. Each of these treatments uses heat ranging from 100-175 degrees Fahrenheit. Dairies count on many heat treatments to mask their inferior sanitary conditions: milk filled with pus, manure and debris. Consumer Reports found 44% of 125 pasteurized milk samples contained as many as 2200 organisms per cubic centimeter (fecal bacteria, coliforms)

2) Pasteurization Destroys Nutrients

It destroys vitamin C, and damages water soluble B vitamins diminishing the nutrient value of milk. Calcium and other minerals are made unavailable by pasteurization. The Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between proteins and sugars, occurs at higher heats and causes browning, discoloring the milk. 

3) Pasteurization Destroys Enzymes
Milk enzymes, proteins, antibodies as well as beneficial hormones are destroyed by pasteurization resulting in devitalized ‘lifeless’ milk. Milk enzymes help digest lactose and both enzymes and milk proteins help to absorb vitamins. Protective enzymes in milk are inactivated, making it more susceptible to spoilage. 

4) Causes Asthma
Pasteurized milk causes asthma, and as a result doctors prescribe a diet without pasteurized dairy products. Milk triggers asthma by destabilizing MAST cells, which release histamines that cause inflammation, mucus production and bronchial spasm. Pasteurized milk is a partial food product that is missing digestive enzymes and nearly all of its beneficial bacteria. Pasteurized milk (with rare exceptions) comes from cows fed a ration based on corn and soy rather than pasture and forage. Pasteurization warps and distorts fragile proteins, making them allergenic. Unpasteurized milk is the opposite and heals and prevents asthma by stabilizing MAST cells and reducing inflammation as shown by dramatic lowering of C-reactive protein levels. Unpasteurized milk rebuilds immunity by allowing the safe consumption of biodiversity in our diets. These bacteria then re-colonize the gut and become our immune protective and digestive ecosystem armies.

5) Allergenic and Disease Causing FoodCow's milk is the number one allergic food in this country. The milk of each of the over 4,700 mammals on earth is formulated specifically for that species. There are special lactoferrins and immunoglobulins (cow specific immunizing stuff) that in humans serve as allergens. It has been well documented as a cause in diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas, gastrointestinal bleeding, iron-deficiency anemia, skin rashes, atherosclerosis, and acne. It is the primary cause of recurrent ear infections in children. It has also been linked to insulin dependent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, and leukemia. The protein lactalbumin, has been identified as a key factor in diabetes (and a major reason for NOT giving cows milk to infants). 89% of America's dairy herds have the leukemia virus. Cows diagnosed with Johne's Disease have diarrhea, and heavy fecal shedding of bacteria. This bacteria becomes cultured in milk, and is not destroyed by pasteurization. Occasionally, the milk-borne bacteria will begin to grow in the human host, and the results are irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's Disease.

6) Kills Bone Density
The dairy industry has been hard at work the last 50 years convincing people that pasteurized dairy products such as milk or cheese increases bioavailable calcium levels. This is totally false. The pasteurization process only creates calcium carbonate, which has absolutely no way of entering the cells without a chelating agent. So what the body does is pull the calcium from the bones and other tissues in order to buffer the calcium carbonate in the blood. This process actually causes osteoporosis. Pasteurized dairy contains too little magnesium needed at the proper ratio to absorb the calcium. Most would agree that a minimum amount of Cal. to Mag Ratio is 2 to 1 and preferably 1 to 1. So milk, at a Cal/Mag ratio of 10 to 1, has a problem. You may put 1200 mg of dairy calcium in your mouth, but you will be lucky to actually absorb a third of it into your system. Over 99% of the body's calcium is in the skeleton, where it provides mechanical rigidity. Pasteurized dairy forces a calcium intake lower than normal and the skeleton is used as a reserve to meet needs. Long-term use of skeletal calcium to meet these needs leads to osteoporosis. Dairy is pushed on Americans from birth yet they have one of the highes risk of osteoporosis in the world. The test for pasteurization is called the negative alpha phosphatase test. When milk has been heated to 165 degrees (higher for UHT milk) and pasteurization is complete, the enzyme phosphatase is 100 percent destroyed. Guess what? This is the enzyme that is critical for the absorption of minerals including calcium! Phosphatase is the third most abundant enzyme in raw milk and those who drink raw milk enjoy increased bone density. Several studies have documented greater bone density and longer bones in animals and humans consuming raw milk compared to pasteurized.

7) Antibiotic Effectiveness
Pasteurization killed antibiotic effectiveness for all of us. By creating a commodity dairy market system that relies heavily on antibiotics fed to heifers and dry cows at CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) mega dairies to support massive milk production, the antibiotics now used in American hospitals for humans no longer work. Tens of thousands of Americans now die each year because of superbugs created by CAFO antibiotic abuse. MRSA and VRA drug resistance is now a major cause of death and there are fewer and sometimes no antibiotics left to kill the bad bugs and save human lives. FDA has conceded antibiotic use in farm animals must be phased out but refuses an outright ban or limit of the use of antibiotics in CAFO feed and instead testifies in defense of antibiotic use by the CAFO industry.

8) Cancer Fuel 
Of the almost 60 hormones, one is a powerful GROWTH hormone called Insulin- like Growth Factor ONE (IGF-1). By a freak of nature it is identical in cows and humans. Consider this hormone to be a "fuel cell" for any cancer... (the medical world says IGF-1 is a key factor in the rapid growth and proliferation of breast, prostate and colon cancers, and we suspect that most likely it will be found to promote ALL cancers). IGF-1 is a normal part of ALL milk... the newborn is SUPPOSED to grow quickly! What makes the 50% of obese American consumers think they need MORE growth? Consumers don't think anything about it because they do not have a clue to the problem... nor do most of our doctors. 

9) Forces Cows Out Of Green Pastures And Into Diseased World
Pasteurization kills cows on green pastures. Seventy-five years ago there were friendly cows on green pastures all over America. Pasteurization has effectively paved the pastures and now forces the cows to be fed soy protein concentrates and forty pounds of grain per day, along with antibiotics and hormones. These CAFO dairy feeds increase milk production to numbers never seen before in the history of earth. It is not uncommon for some CAFO dairy cows to produce twenty gallons of milk per day and be crowded into pens deep in manure with thousands of other cows. The stress of being milked up to four times per day and lying on artificial rubber beds shortens their lives to just forty months. A cow on pasture will produce much less milk (four to five gallons per day) and easily live ten years or more in true happiness and health. 

Try Coconut Milk
Compared to cow’s milk coconut milk is easier to digest because the body uses 3 less enzymes for its digestion as opposed to cow’s milk. It also contains a high level of omega 3, 6 and 9 fats along with high amounts of amino acids. This excellent combination of fats and amino acids make it a complete meal in and of itself.

The high level of omega 3, 6 and 9 fats and protein in this milk are more bio-available to humans compared to all other animal fats and most vegetable fats. This bio-availability results in the body’s ability to assimilate all its nutrients.

It’s very healing to the digestive tract and even heals damage done to the system in cases of IBS, Crohn’s disease and severe malnutrition.

Coconut milk also helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels by being a good source of manganese. This mineral is usually deficient in people with blood sugar issues. 

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Myths about Heart

1. All kinds of exercise are good for the heart

Among some of the most common myths related to heart care, according to renowned cardiologist Dr Ashok Seth, is that all kinds of exercise is good for the cardiovascular system.

‘A 45-minute brisk walk, or aerobic exercise is good for your heart. But weightlifting and gym exercises are not necessarily good for your cardiovascular health,’ Seth told IANS. (Read: Is running bad for your heart?)

2. Women are less prone to heart ailments

It’s also a misconception that women are less prone to cardiovascular ailments.

‘Cardiovascular disease is the biggest cause of death in women, six times more than breast cancer,’ Seth said. ‘But traditionally it’s seen that in most Indian families this doesn’t appear as a concern vis-a-vis a woman’s health. If the man has a slight discomfort, they rush to the hospital, but the women, maybe because they have a high tolerance level, simply ignore any such discomfort’.

‘Even while going for health check-ups, a mammogram or a pap smear test is listed (to detect cancer), but not a heart check-up, which is very necessary,’ he added.

Agreed K.K. Talwar, cardiologist at Delhi’s Max hospital. ‘Although women have the protection cover of the estrogen hormone, lifestyle habits like smoking, unhealthy eating habits and contraceptive pills make them prone (to heart ailments). And after menopause, the risk increases,’ Talwar said. (Read: Indian women more vulnerable to heart diseases now)

3. Young cannot be affected by heart ailments

That the young cannot be affected by heart ailments is another myth, Talwar says.

‘It’s no longer true that only those in their 50s and 60s can have cardiovascular problems. Even those in their 30s are coming with such problems these days. In fact, because of lifestyle habits like junk food, alcohol consumption and smoking, plus stress, they are prone to acute heart attacks that can be fatal,’ he said.

According to Talwar, about 20 percent of heart attack patients in Max hospital are in the 30-40 age group. In the West this number is 5 to 10 percent lower because South Asians are more prone to cardiovascular problems at a younger age than their Western counterparts. ‘Five to seven percent of those who come for angiography are below the age of 35,’ Talwar told IANS. (Read: More young people falling prey to hypertension)

4. Heart pain, indicating emergency, will be on the left side of the chest

It’s not necessary that heart pain, indicating emergency, will be on the left side of the chest, Sunita Choudhury, another cardiologist, emphasised. ‘It may also be in the right arm, upper abdomen, and usually in the left arm,’ she said.

5. A particular brand of oil is good for your heart

Much against TV and print commercials promoting a particular kind or brand of oil as being good for the heart, doctors say that such information should be taken with a pinch of salt.

‘Trans-fatty acid is bad for the heart, and one should look out for food containing that. Other than that, there is no truth that only a particular kind of oil is good, like the trend is of olive oil. Even mustard oil is good,’ Talwar said. But even as the Mustard Research and Promotion Consortium says that mustard oil can prevent coronary artery disease, many doctors say that it’s best to keep changing one’s brand or kind of oil every few months.

Read more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.

6. Nuts are bad for your heart

Nuts, a rich source of oil, are also not at all bad. ‘Almonds and walnuts are good for the heart, and one should have 8 to 10 pieces of almond, soaked in water, every day,’ Seth said. But don’t go overboard – fried almonds are a big no. As doctors say, it’s often a thin line separating information and misinformation.

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Constipation: Natural Treatment

If your stomach is ill, you would be ill and if your stomach is healthy, you would be healthy. The mother of all illness is stomach and health is stomach. Healthy stomach, better personality, ill stomach, deformed personality. These are some of slogans, which express the feelings of many of the famous experienced medical practitioners about the mother of all diseases.

In case of any disease, have natural treatment of stomach with patience and sure you would get better health. Thus, naturopathy is widely based on treatment of stomach. It includes awakening of dormant umbilicus and active it as the main source of health. Stomach related ailments do not allow umbilicus to be active. The different stomach related diseases, which have relationship with almost all the physical and mental problems are five in nature. They have been named as enemy diseases as they are the originating point of most of the diseases. They are 1) Constipation 2) indigestion 3) gastric trouble 4) old dysentery and 5) acidity.

Constipation: The top most among the enemy diseases is constipation. Modern science does not consider it as a disease but different researches of scientists have proved that it is not a common but a very complex disease. It appears to be very common but there is no disease, where it does not play active role. Therefore, constipation is said to be the root cause of all diseases.

The treatment of constipation: Most of the medicines meant to cure constipation are dangerous. They cause immense damage to diaphragm of intestines and other refinery system. Intestines get weaker adversely affecting their peristaltic movement. Even the medicines like paraffin and caster oil are troublesome. It ultimately affects liver, rendering it ineffective. Over-consumption of the medicines causes jaundice and malnutrition of the body. It also causes respiratory related diseases, lungs and neck related diseases. The nature has granted power to every living being so that collected stool passes out normally. But the power continues only when our food habits are in accordance with the nature. We normally take green vegetables and fruits and still are victims of constipation. We eat lot of vegetables but after peeling off. We prepare vegetables in the manner that all its nutritious elements and water gets burnt.  One kg vegetable remains barely quarter kgs, with all nutritious elements washed away. How a person could remain healthy and even a healthier person would get ill. Fruits or even vegetables eaten raw like cucumber, pear, sapota and others are eaten after peeling off. Even when we prepare `roti`, nutritious elements are washed out. We prepare pulses after peeling off. And we eat all this disregarding the fact that it is akin to garbage disposing in our body. The peels of  edibles have the strength to remove constipation. All essential vitamins, dextrin, minerals and salts are present in these peels in adequate quantity. They clean-up toxic organism from the intestines.

The following food and treatment keeps a human being away from constipation and make him healthy:

Food for treatment: Drinking limited quantity of water is also one of the reasons of constipation, after waking-up in morning drink two glass of water, kept in brass pot before going to toilet. In case of dysentery, drink two glass of warm water with lemon juice and two spoons honey along with 15 grams ginger juice. Then take a stroll after 15-20 minutes while cleaning your teeth and if urge of going toilet develops, go immediately. For first two days, eat boiled vegetables, 2 days on fruits and 2 days on juices, with lemon+water+honey combination, taking after every three hours. Drink water in adequate quantity. After restricting yourself to juice, fruits and boiled vegetables, start with one `roti and subzi` along with `salad`. In daily routine take given items in breakfast according to the financial condition of individuals. Take `belgiri`, grapes, guava, mangoes, pear, sapota, tomato, dates and wet raisins and milk. Also take germinated corn, cucumber, gourd and luffa for the treatment of constipation.

Mid-day meal: Prepare 'roti' of little grinded flour (half of hunger) with boiled vegetable, around 350 grams in quantity along with salad, germinated corns and curd. In afternoon, take butter milk or soup or juice of vegetable or fruit. In dinner, around 7 pm take roti, vegetable and salad. Those suffering with obesity and constipation should take only fruits or raw vegetables, germinated corn and cup full milk. Take milk one hour before going to bed. For treatment, keep wet soil for half-an-hour on stomach in the morning, without eating anything. Take hot and cold fomentation on spinal chord, stomach and liver. Then take enema and take hipbath for 15 minutes. Continue the process for five days. Then ignore enema but continue rest of the process. Enema could be against used, if need arises. In afternoon, after three hours of lunch keep stripe of wet soil daily and use wrapping of wet bed sheet, hot-cold hip bath, hot vapors on stomach and cold hip-bath, alternatively. Maintain all precautions during treatment. In asans Janushirasan, Pashimottanasan, Yogmudra, Pakshi Asan, Uttanpadasan, Dhanurasan, Chakrasan, Pavanmuktasan, Shalabhasan, Bhujangasan, Sarwangasan, Halasan, and Matyasan. Proper food habit and yoga could give relief from constipation. In case of an old constipation, take cup-full juice of bitter gourd and amla. The above mentioned natural treatments, proper diet and yoga increase intestines tone, which normalizes pace of peristaitic movement. It also gives permanent treatment to the problem of constipation. In old constipation complaints, veins and nerves of intestines and stomach grow weak and here is the sure-shot to strengthen them. Daily take morning walk for 3-4 kms. Go for toilet, soon after the urge develops. Fix a time for it and essentially go once at the time fixed. Take maximum 15-20 minutes as sitting for more time or undue pressure could cause other problems.

This article is by one the best doctor & person I have across, Dr Nagendra Kumar 'Neeraj' from Yoggram, Haridwar.

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Brain Damaging Habits

1. No Breakfast

People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.

This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2 . Overeating

It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking

It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing

malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air

decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain


6 . Sleep Deprivation

Sleep allows our brain to rest.. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate

the death of brain cells..

7. Head covered while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide

and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness

of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts

Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts

may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely

Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

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