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  • I have a statue with Krsna and Rhadarani and a statue of Lord Narasimha. I also have two porcelain cows that I purchased from the Kansas City temple and a picture of Lord Caitanaya and Swami Prabhupad. It is very simple, not ornate, but within my means. I also place soy bean candles, incense from India and bath my dieties in sandalwood when my finances allows.
  • ...radhe krishna.
  • Hello, thank you for asking if I have deities, but I must say that I have never been in a Krishna temple in front of deities, I do not know them personally, I have been in museums where I am sure that more than one of those statues has had, at some point, been in a temple... but my teacher of The Bhagavad-gita will soon bring 2 deities to this city where we live, the ones he carried for 4 years in a carriage from Canada to Ecuador, where they are at the moment. So, I imagine that when we organize them here in his Ashram, we will need to dress them and hopefully you could then guide us in doing so....... I will post pictures of them as soon as they arrive,hopefully sometime in February...? I will let you know : ) Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.
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    Pranam Shanti Lal. Hare Krishna. Please check in the group - Bhoga (Recipes for Thakurji), you will find cake recipes  that I added. take care, bye.
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