Palghar, Maharashtra
Name / Initiated name
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
2003 in Doha Qatar one devotee invited me for regular satasanga & kept me in his touch. He inspired me by his personal behavior & through connecting me to senior devotees.
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir & the devotees sanga
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
serving in GEV farm
What are your expectations from this community?
set a good example to the world at large by simple leaving and high thinking, unity in diversity, ultimately Love & Be Loved.
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
Prayers, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Hare Krishna dandvats, Prabhuji. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I do hereby wish you all the best in Krishna consciousness, Gauranga, Radhe Radhe, Hari Bol! Hare Krishna.
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