Name / Initiated name
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
In the year 1970 in Mumbai from devotees of krsna and Rama.
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
Coimbatore: Nanda Pran Prabhu
Guruvayur: Bhakti Sudarshan swami,Swaroop Chaitanya Das Prabhu,Divya Manohar Das prabhu,Lohithaksha Prabhu,Swami Bhakti Vinod maharaj,Vijay mukunda das prabhu
Jaipur: Chandan das prabhu of Give Gita.
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
I am a practising MBBS doctor and have turned 99.9% vegetarian,do not drink alcohol,no gambling,no illicit sex,chanting a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 24 rounds of mahamantra.I have made a ISKCON like temple inside my room and conduct pooja,aarti etc daily.So I don't visit ISKCON partly because of my depression and anxiety and partly because some prabhus are bullies.My aim is to leave this body without any physical or mental pain of attachment,grief.I have also taken diksha from Maharishi Mahesh yogi in hata yoga and practice it 4 times a week.I live alone and do my own cooking.I also practice sudarshan kriya of sri sri ravishankar.I got a small library of srila prabhupad books.I had a subscription for BTG and my article on lord Narasimha was published in BTG.I am 57 years old now.I wear a shikha and gopi tilak.On the day of diksha I could not go because I have sleep issues and also due to mosquito bites.My sisters suicide reintroduced me into bhakti procedure.I have been an avid reader of Aurobindo vivekananda osho theosophical society J Krishnamurthi.I am interested in the neurobiology of human spiritual endeavor.
What are your expectations from this community?
Guidance,answers to my question,facilitator of bhakti
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
Distributing srila prabhupad books,singing bhajans,participating in nagarsankirtana,cleaning temple,bringing grass for goushala,visiting devotees houses on holy days for singing bhajans and gita discourses,maintenance work of temples etc.I can be critical of pseudo-devotees