Birthday: November 13
November 13
Name / Initiated name
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
I was doing my job as engineer/manager in COAL INDIA LTD company posted in odisha from 2010. In 2012, I used to come my home delhi & visited one person nitesh kr (engineer ) struggling for job in delhi & became best friend. suddenly he joined a harinam kirtan in a street delhi & been inspired so much. He started to stay in BACE & slowly became devotee after left hope to get job. whenever i used to come delhi, i used to visit temple with him. I left my job 2021 & come delhi permanently joined BACE. Nitesh kr (narrotam samaran das ) completed his PBT in temple just now .
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
Centre-Modadrum dwipa, mehrauli, Delhi ( daily ) Temple: Sri Sri Radha Parthsarthi, Delhi ( monthly visited ) HG Sarvapriya prabhuji HG Rasraj prabhuji
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
I suffered a lot things in my life & still it is going on. I left my govt job in 2021 due to mental stress & since 1.5 yrs, I am staying in BACE, mehrauli, delhi doing devotional services along with searching a very small job for livelihood. But culture of delhi is so much modern which not giving feeling of spirituality ,even degrading. I want some devotional services in mayaypur dham like go seva, prasadam, cleaning any other with love/affection. I want very small job near to temple for my livelihood if possible.
What are your expectations from this community?
I love srila prabhupad so much. His struggle & mercy inspired me so much & I left my 11 yrs job in odisha & came delhi home town. But here, I not feeling bhakti, spirituality any thing due to modernity. I have so much belief & affection for srila prabhupada. I am feeling orphan type ( not want to alive more) , even I have my family , parent etc. but when I remember the srila prabhupada , I become encouraged & feel happiness. Here, I am suffering so much mently & not satisfied my life. I want some devotional service to please srila prabhupada. If you consider me worthy to engage in services for lord chaitnya mahaprabhu & srila prabhupad & other vaishnvas. I want to stay among sadhu, vaishnvas / devotees. My life become spoiled & no hope in life. I dont know whether i am deserving for mayapur dham/ lord krishna seva or not. if you will give me a glance of kripa then my life would be rectified. I just completed IDC & took guru parnam mantra of HH Gopal krishna goswami Maharaj.
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
1. mandir marjan 2. Go seva 3. gurukul seva 4. parsadam seva 5. book distribution