Name / Initiated name
Narada Priya Das
Daily number of rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra.
When, where and how did you come into contact with the Hare Krishna Movement?
It's hard to know when I first came in contact with the Hare Krishna Movement because recently I found out that it was even before my birth that my parents first came in contact with the mahamantra and it was in 2005( I was aged 9 or 10 years then) that I had the opportunity to join a children's camp but I mocked the bald head of devotees in the advertisement and declined and chose to join Art of Living instead.
It wasn't untill I had wrecked my life in a myriad of videogames novels and worse things that I really began seeking out refuge from suffering the Supreme Lord and my relation with him. It was in 2013/14 that I first found Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-Gita and I came to ISKCON the very same year through my Maternal Aunt who stays in Faridabad. I got connected to ISKCON East of Kailash New Delhi that very year and would visit a lot while I stayed there to study for CA intermediate Gr 1.
My life has been one of turmoil since childhood. I always tended to reject authority. As in infancy, school and academia, so I did that in Bhakti as well. I randomly ran off to Mayapur, then came back. I returned home to complete my graduation then whimsically joined the Delhi temple in 2016. I whimsically troubled devotees with my lack of surrender for 4+ years before whimsically acting in a way self destructive enough to be back in my old shoes again.
I still chant and read, but I miss what I had( I rarely take any actions that I am glad of.. accepting Krishna Consciousness as the supreme goal isn't one of those things though)
Name the nearest or most frequently Visited ISKCON temple/ centre and name few of the devotees whom you know.
I know (but forgive me, I am not very surrendered though. I accept the authority of Srila Prabhupada's system, that consists of spiritual authorities(Diksha Guru and his representatives) and Managerial system(GBC and their zonal representatives, Temple presidents, and respective departmental authorities)... I accept them as bonafide representatives of Krishna, but since I am living outside their direct care (let's say in the lap of Maya), my tendency is to not be very much inclined to render service, but am always absorbed in thoughts of how to improve my material wellbeing(sometimes not even that(tamoguna). I am not very good at sadhana.
Here are some devotees that I know and they know me:
HG Prem Harinaam Prabhu
HG Dinanath Gopal Prabhu
HG Dashavataar Prabhu(not in touch)
HG Gopi Bhav Prabhu(not in touch)
ISKCON Yamunanagar:
HG Anand Nidhi Prabhu(not in touch)
HG Pitambar Krishna Prabhu(not in touch)
(not in touch is my fault. these are some of the really wonderful devotees that impacted me in the best way and I'm happy they did.)
Please describe yourself so that other like minded devotees can find you.
I am actively seeking ideas on how to increase my personal contribution to local yatra.
What are your expectations from this community?
[I would rather keep expectations zero]
Here's what I expect from myself:
to follow vaishnava sadachar.
Describe any specific service you would love to offer to Lord Krishna & His devotees?
Clean toilet.
Earn lots of money to offer in the service of lord Krishna.
Learn best cooking.