Aravind commented on Saci Gaurasundara Dasa's blog post Who Created Krishna?
"Hare Krishna!!!
I found the apt answer to my question and would like to share it with you.
the difficulty we are facing here is that we are trying to understand Krsna with our tiny framework of mind. we try to understand the lord with our tiny…"
May 14, 2019
Aravind left a comment for padmavati mataji
"thank you very much mataji :)"
May 14, 2019
Aravind commented on Saci Gaurasundara Dasa's blog post Who Created Krishna?
"Hare Krishna Prabhujis!!!
Srila Prabhupada says that, we see so many vareities of life on this earth and certainly they cannot come from nothing(void). We have never seen a computer or car spring up from nothing. There was an intelligent design…"
May 14, 2019