Ankit Gohil replied to Ankit Gohil's discussion What to do when your moral responsibilities are in way of your devotional activity.
"Hare Krishna
Firstly thank you very much for your advice i will definitely set a good example for ma non devotee friends.Soon i will be joining Iskcon youth forum program which will help me  to gain more spiritual knowledge and association of senior…"
May 15, 2019
Ankit Gohil replied to Ankit Gohil's discussion What to do when your moral responsibilities are in way of your devotional activity.
"Hare KrishnaAll glories to nitai and gaurai
All glories to Prabhupada 

To stay in Krishna consciousness is not difficult if you are in association of same age devotee friends. One can struggle to be active in both material as well as spiritual life…"
May 15, 2019
Ankit Gohil posted a discussion
Hare KrishnaAll glories to nitai and gauraiAll glories to Prabhupada I consider myself lord Krishna's devotee,its been one year since i have been thinking about lord Krishna's pastimes,Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes, reading Bhagvat geeta and…
May 14, 2019